Lol, the only limitations on display here are your intellectual abilities to articulate yourself beyond a few lines of incoherent babble while refusing to address the real issues I’ve clearly outlined.
If you want to waste your time writing articles directed at Black conservatives by all means go for it but don’t you ever think you can tell me what to do with my time or writings. Repeat it isn’t black conservatives that have destroyed or guided black ppl to this current path of self destruction…you can look in the mirror for that answer and more importantly, thank your Dem Gods and Black politicians that you don’t hold accountable, who are now fighting for everyone but the group of ppl they know they own (amazing how that works, my mother always told me, “why buy the cow if you’re getting the milk for free”…black ppl are giving away their votes for free duh).
Black conservatives have NOT done any harm to the Black community when they are never even taken serious and only attacked no matter how true some of their claims are.
It’s amazing that you can’t or won’t hold democrats responsible for their roll in this political scam with COVID vaccines. I remember clearly that both Biden & Harris said that they would not trust the vaccine and would not take it…Biden even went so far as to say that he wouldn’t trust it and the public shouldn’t without knowing what’s in it and that there has been proper time for testing…that was their line during the election but quickly changed after Nov.
I know you won’t watch this video because self reflection and truth are now foreign to people like you. You refuse to admit that you have been used and played for fools, so you blame all of your failures on right wingers when it’s actually democrats who are willfully destroying black ppl..
Your comment abt my “being brave enough” is laughable when you cowardly hide behind this app spewing bogus lies and trolling for attention. This is and will be my last time responding now that I know you’re nothing more than a troll and not capable of any serious debate or intellectual retort. I won’t stoop down again to communicate with you, when you’re clearly being dishonest or at worst, you’re dumb as a bag of rocks.
FYI: I only debate my equals, all others I teach…I hope you’ve learned a lesson…don’t come for me, unless I send for you!