Lucy McBath a So-Called, “Mother of the Movement” - Platform Omits Police & Prison Reform…

3 min readSep 3, 2018


As a Georgia voter; I was shocked to read Lucy McBath’s platform. As a Black woman and mother; I was angry to see the liberal platform whitewashing on what she stands for. McBath, a Black woman who’s son was murdered by a White man, is now OWNED by White liberals and the same system of white supremacy that murdered her son.

Her platform below is as laughable as it is insulting, and clearly nothing more than talking points handed down from the Dem establishment that OWNS her. The list below omits issues that specifically affect Black people, however McBath highlights Apartheid Israel and DACA. She also highlights money in politics, yet she proudly took money from Billionaire George Soros’ PAC during her primary run-off.

McBath has Immigrants/DACA as one of her many dubious platform issues, when they only makeup 12% of her district. However, Black people who makeup about 15% can’t even get an honorable mention.

Black and White Liberals are a clear and present threat to Black America. How this woman can be called a “Mother of the Movement” is beyond insulting. I guess the real question is what movement are they actually the mother’s of. McBath is a great example of what happens when Black people sellout to liberals and the lobbyist who own them. The fact that she and the other sold out ‘Mothers of the Movement’ stood on a stage and endorsed Hillary Clinton, should have been the real eye opener for anyone with an ounce of political grasp. Hillary Clinton the woman who’s term, “Super Predator” was a big reasons that McBath and all of the Black mothers lost their loved ones, yet they all got down on bended knees to praise her. Stand Your Ground laws were written because of Super Predator beliefs and lies. Tamir Rice’s mother refused to be used by Democrats and told them that she would never endorse any candidate that was not talking about the systemic police abuse and murders that Black people are living with daily.

Any Black woman or Black person running for political office, and especially one seeking office on a national scale that does not push for Police and Prison reform, should be immediately dismissed. Because of Black politicians like Lucy McBath, Andrew Gillum in Florida, Maxine Waters, and the entire CBC; we now have people calling for reparations for Illegals. All while Hillary, Bernie & Obama refused to even discuss reparations for DOS (descendants of slaves) Black people.

Lucy McBath is such a pathetic shill for liberals and their con games, yet Obama did not even endorse her in his list of candidates to support. Imagine all of this ass kissing and you still get ignored by the leader of your party.

I would love to know the going price now for selling out your people to White liberals, their corporate donors, and Israel. Maybe one day the “Mothers of the Movement” will be asked that question.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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