Marcus, you’re too funny…clearly based on your penmanship, you’re a relatively smart man, so please don’t insult me. I’m not here to coddle you or anyone else. You jumped in my comments and wrote a semi-thought provoking reply (whether I agreed or not) until you decided to attack/mock Kanye based on his mouth and facial expressions…yet you say you don’t want to deal with pejoratives but had no problem in negatively attacking how Kanye looks, as though to imply that he was some raving mad man.
I also don’t need nor will I take a lecture from you or anyone else on what I write or how I CHOOSE to respond, and especially from a keyboard coward hiding behind a blank avi, mocking someone else’s looks…and perhaps you should have refrained from responding if you’re so tormented by my words…
Lastly, if you’re disappointed by someone on the internet with whom you don’t know, nor who personally has no affect on your livelihood, then maybe you need to reassess your life, because the internet is definitely not the place for you.