Marin, I hear you clearly but my point about R. Kelly being protected by black women was ONLY about Kelly’s situation and not about black women in general. Black women are the one’s who continue to support Kelly and have been his main attractors at his concerts and with album sales. I was not advocating for black women to take on black men, I was stating that black women need to own their role in allowing R. Kelly to continue being the predator that he is.
It’s interesting on one hand, black men are told they should be leaders to black men within their communities, yet on another this new generation disavows and attacks any black man who tries to intervene with guidance.
The timing of this was deliberate, those women behind that documentary are being paid to manipulate and distract so that the plethora of white men/women who have been accused of sexual assault over the last 2yrs., will not be the focus…meanwhile Harvey’s cases are being thrown out, Kevin Spacey is making videos mocking his charges, Matt Lauer is looking for new work, Polanski is still free, Woody Allen is still making movies, Dan Rather is all good and George Bush Sr., died w/o a damn thing happening to him after several women stated in 2017 that he sexually assaulted them while being in his wheel chair. Then we have Ed Buck a white democrat wealthy donor out of California who has had TWO dead gay black men found in his home, and Charlise Theron is raising her adopted black 5 year old son as a girl and NOT one of these Black women behind that documentary have dared come for Charlise Theron or Ed Buck. Dream Hampton worked with Jay Z, she didn’t come for him nor expose his pedophile history while making that documentary either. I could go on but hopefully you understand my points.