Maxine Waters Creates Backlash to Protect the Empire and Black Men Come to the Rescue…

4 min readJul 20, 2018


Why are Black men rushing to defend Maxine Waters from the backlash and racial tensions she purposely created to protect the Democratic Establishment, and their Wall Street Corporate donors? It’s also confusing why Black activist/bloggers who consider themselves anti-establishment continue to straddle the fence when reporting this. I have to question those who claim to be ‘woke,’ yet tweet in defense of Maxine. It can’t be because she’s Black or a woman, because if that were the case, these same people would stand up for all Black women, even those who are on the other side of the political isle.

Maxine Waters is not fighting for Black people, she is doing this for her own political gain and that of the Democratic Establishment. Maxine yells fire and douses herself with gasoline everyday and expects Black America to come to her rescue and put it out. This pathetic trick she’s found has been her gift and resurrection of a dying legacy, cloaked with fraud and corruption for decades.

Maxine Waters was elected to Congress in the year of 1990. During her time in Congress, her family has made over a million dollars in revenue from Waters’ government connections. Throughout Waters’ 27 years in Congress, she only managed to pass three bills: a Haiti relief bill, the renaming of a post office, and a modification of the national flood insurance program. Additionally, Waters failed to gain much popularity in Congress. Citizens For Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (A liberal organization…David Brock, the liberals darling is Chairman) labeled her as the most corrupt member in Congress during the years of 2005, 2006, 2009, and 2011.

However, Maxine has been resurrected and given a pass, after being labeled most corrupt member of Congress for years. The calling card for any politician and celebrity now, is to yell fire against Trump, and you’re an overnight sensation. Where was this courage when Obama was in office; with her own words, she said that she wanted to oppose him but that Black people would not allow it. So, now that Trump is an easy target for anyone looking to come up, Maxine is now the democrats mascot, using the pain and fears of Black people as her sounding board. One has to only look at the stats of her district to know that Maxine like many others should have long since been ran out of office. Her shameful behavior, is not a cause that Black people should rally behind, she is not doing this for us.

Anyone sanctioning this is not a friend of Black America but a friend to the liberal elites who own and control Maxine.

Allow me to be clear, I am happy that these people stood up against racists agitators, but I wish there was more backlash and fight when stories like these occur as well. The media doesn’t cover these stories because it doesn’t support their agendas, but making sure Maxine is seen as a hero, is.

This coveting of Black politicians is why Black communities that they laud over are all in utter disrepair or destruction. This coveting of Black politicians is why a beautiful 7 year old Black girl named, Taylor Hayes is shot in Baltimore and dies days later, while their elected Congressman Elijah Cummings, literally cries on the house floor for illegal immigrants and not a word for the thousands of Black children like Taylor who are caught daily in the gunfire’s and trauma of Black and democrat controlled cities across the US. This is also why Obama was never held accountable for all of his inactions when it came to Black America, and why he now has the unmitigated gall to chastise African America’s Black men while speaking in Africa. Maxine’s district is mostly made up of Hispanics and most of her recent rants have been in their defense, so why are hispanics not the ones putting their lives on the line to defend her?

Maxine makes these outrageous comments, with the sole intent of provoking those on the far right and provoking and creating anger with Black people…and voila, predictable as usual, Black people run to her defense. Yet Maxine isn’t standing up for Black people while doing so, she’s being used to protect liberals and their corporate owners…and again as usual Black people fall for the bait. It is no wonder the Democratic Party takes our votes for granted, they already know how to control our every move.

P.S. After writing this blog, I was directed to the tweet below, and unlike the one that I referenced above, this woman gets it.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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