Monique and the Fraud Feminists #WomensMarch and #TimesUp Movements…

7 min readJan 24, 2018


I’ve gone back and forth for days on whether I would enter into the conversation about Monique and her fight for pay equity and overall respect for her impressive body of work. The fact that her pay inequity is even an issue in the era of #MeToo and #TimesUp, solidifies all that she’s said in the past about being blackballed by people like Oprah, Daniels and Perry.

Yes Oprah Winfrey, who’s only loyalty for decades; were to rich white suburban housewives…until of course they boycotted her new ‘OWN’ network because she dared endorse a black man for president over a white woman. Oprah quickly realized that if she wanted to make her network a success that the only loyal group that she could use (no matter what is done to them), were black women…after all, ‘Sweetie Pies’ was the only show on her then ALL white show network, that had not failed.

Over the weekend women were reported to be protesting all across the US against, sexual assaults, pay equity and more…yet, Monique is being villainized and ignored for the very clear reasons these women claim to be against and were marching for. Seeing black women of all people, mocking her and denouncing her worth, was especially sickening. People with no facts only repeating what others had said, were openly discussing why she wasn’t being offered as much as someone like Amy Schumer, a comic who’s only talent hinges on white supremacy and her Zionist cousin, Chuck Schumer’s powerful connections.

Monique’s Many Awards

It was especially daunting reading people attacking her for the audacity to ask us to boycott Netflix in a show of support for her and more importantly, for women/feminists to stand against pay inequity for black women(the suppose cause da jour), who also make far less than white women in general. However, many of these same people readily jumped to boycott twitter for their justified suspension of ‘washed up’, Rose McGowan. White women didn’t attack Rose for being irrelevant (a claim about Monique that’s not true), they never said she wasn’t worthy of a protest, but instead they all locked hands in solidarity, walked away from twitter and stole the line of #MeToo on their way out. They returned with a new mission, McGowan’s account restored, an apology from twitter, a stolen slogan and Rose McGowan a new show. In another more laughable claim, Hollywood elitist, Maria Sorvino claims Weinstein blackballed her?? Maria Sorvino, who’s had more than 50 movies spanning from 1994 to 2017…but Monique???? SMDH!!!

Mira and Paul Sorvino on July 20, 2013 in Giffoni Valle Piana, Italy. (Photo by Stefania D’Alessandro/Getty Images). Mira Sorvino has nothing but love for her father, actor Paul Sorvino, after he publicly attacked Harvey Weinstein for allegedly blacklisting her in Hollywood.~CNN

A follower once said, “white women fight for power but black women fight for acceptance”…never has anything been more true and applicable than now. How any black woman can stand in the midst of #MeeToo and #TimesUp, and not stand in solidarity with Monique is mindblowing. Monique has been fighting for power and respect, but y’all wanted her to be happy with being accepted.

“It’s time for all the women in America, and all the men that love women and all the gay people and all the people of color that we’ve all fought for to fight for us now.~Patricia Arquette’s Oscar speech

Patricia Arquette said what all limousine liberal white women think and say daily behind closed doors…she made it clear that their fight is for wealthy white women and their power and control and that it is time for all of us to support them, after all; they’ve been fighting for us, so it’s their time now ***snark. As I’ve said ad nauseam, had Hillary won, Weinstein would have been picking out bedrooms in the white house and as Colin Powell’s emails stated, “d*cking bimbo’s” with Bill…they should all thank Trump.

As a rule; I don’t defend, nor support black Hollywood because it’s clear that black women like Viola, Rhimes, Washington; have ALL sold out to white supremacy and nothing they say is for the good of average Black Americans. Viola, hasn’t met an opportunity where she doesn’t use her powerful acting skills to summon a river of tears and words against injustice in Hollywood against black women, yet not a word has been uttered in support of Monique. She was hailed a shero over the weekend at the White Women’s March…Viola who in 2015, was attacked by white Hollywood for using her Emmy win, to talk about lack of diversity in Hollywood. I once loved and respected Viola but her all out support for Super Predator Hillary and the mentally deranged, snot slinging character that she’s allowed Rhimes to write for her, ruined all of that…no different than the role that Washington is lauded for on Scandal.

Viola Davis and the ‘white feminist’ backlash

Courtesy: Los Angeles Times

By most accounts, Viola Davis’ speech at the Emmys was an instant classic. She directly addressed the lack of diversity on television, saying, “The only thing that separates women of color from anyone else is opportunity.”

But Davis’ words about race made one actress feel uncomfortable. Sunday night, “General Hospital” actress Nancy Lee Grahn, who is white, took to Twitter and said that the Emmys were not a “venue [for] racial opportunity” and that Viola Davis “has never been discriminated against.”

I guess #OscarSoWhite, #MeToo and #TimesUp are ONLY relevant when it’s someone that feminists, white Hollywood and limousine liberals have approved and/or control!!!

Unlike Davis and many other hypocrites who spoke against #OscarSoWhite, Jada P. Smith spoke out then and is now speaking out for Monique as well.

Hollywood and liberal media were in an uproar again, a few days ago when it was learned that during the retakes of the movie All The Money In The World, (after replacing Kevin Spacey), Mark Wahlberg was paid $1.5M for his rework and Michelle Williams had forgone a salary and opted for $1K to cover her per diems. The insult in all of this is that Michelle and Mark are represented by the same agency (William & Morris), and if anything, she and Hollywood should be calling them out for negotiating this disparity. However, this will never happen because William & Morris are the holy grail to many top celebrities. This leads me to those who say Monique needs new management and that her husband should not be her manager…statements that I’ve wrongly felt in the past as well. What you’re really saying is that Monique needs someone to manager her that will stay quiet and play the game, and accept any salary no matter the insult…a manager that’s owned by white supremacy and will ensure her uninterrupted passage into the golden gates of black boughesie’s sororities/fraternities and liberal white supremacy stamp of approval. Then we have the stories of Tracy E. Ross making less than Anthony Anderson, yet Anderson is also the Exec Producer, a fact that no one in this faux victimhood of Hollywood feminists cultdom, want to admit.

Instead of us discussing ways to help, black people have proven to Netflix why they will always be loyal to them no matter what they choose to do to us. This is the very reason the democratic party has also neglected our communities and people. We didn’t have to agree on her tactics but we all could have had a discussion on a way to support her rather than the display of ignorance that I’ve seen over the last few days. You love screaming feminism, anti-black woman and racism, when it’s against someone that has been pre-approved by your masters.

If Harriet Tubman, Malcolm X, Garvey or any of our true non co-intelpro black activists were alive today, many of you would not be supporting them because they wouldn’t have the white liberals stamp of approval.

“I freed thousands of slaves and could have freed more, had they known they were slaves”~Harriet Tubman

“If you are not careful the media will have you hating the people being oppressed and loving the people doing the oppressing”~Malcolm X

“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds”~ Marcus Garvey

When will we stop fighting to be loved and accepted by those whose only agenda is their self preservation of white supremacy?

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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