Nelson, first allow me to thank you for reading my blog and for your VERY long reply. I was somewhat eager to respond to you until I read the very last sentence of your response…the snark was palpable.
As for your not grasping my rationale behind writing this is telling and the very reason democrats have been allowed a pass on their blatant hypocrisy when it comes to using issues like these as a political football rather than actually trying to do something meaningful to change it. The below article was in 2015, was Michelle Obama and the rest of the newly outraged liberal and Hollywood psychophants outraged in 2015?
Was Michelle Obama and democrats outraged when Kamala Harris as AG bragged of locking up poor mothers for truancy, leaving many kids homeless and in foster care?
As for your outrageous claim that poor people are running to liberal states because homelessness is somehow better there, is insulting and laughable. Atlanta’s former Mayor Kasim Reed, made being a homeless here a crime and fined anyone caught feeding homeless people as well.
Your comments about mental health have nothing to do with my article and I will not be addressing it.
As for NAFTA and what role it played in Flint, you’re replying to a political blog, and anyone who’s half way politically savvy knows the destructive impact NAFTA had on Detroit & Flint…and how manufacturers were allowed to poor toxic waste into the waters long ago. Not to mention the poverty we see in Flint was brought on by NAFTA and the loss of jobs it yielded.
Lastly, I have voted democrat my entire life until 2014 after I woke up to the con game they were pedaling, my family has given their life to the democratic parties lies and manipulations, black people as a whole have wrongly voted in mass for democratic party…having said that, I will critique and criticize them whenever I choose, I have paid the price to do so.