Newsflash: Trumps “words” Against Central Park 5 and Joe Biden’s “Crime Bill” are NOT equal…

8 min readMay 29, 2019


The delusional comments surrounding Trumps recent tweet against Joe Biden regarding his ’94 Crime Bill are both insulting and infuriating. The overall assumption that somehow equating the destruction that Biden & Democrats Crime Bill has done to millions of African American’s to that of the words that Trump levied against Central Park 5, is beyond mind-boggling. Joe Biden to this day hasn’t apologized for that bill nor did anything over the past 20+ years to rectify its systemic impact (not to mention his continued stance against Marijuana), and has even doubled down stating that it did not create mass incarceration.

According to the ACLU’s original analysis, marijuana arrests now account for over half of all drug arrests in the United States. Of the 8.2 million marijuana arrests between 2001 and 2010, 88% were for simply having marijuana. Nationwide, the arrest data revealed one consistent trend: significant racial bias. Despite roughly equal usage rates, Blacks are 3.73 times more likely than whites to be arrested for marijuana.

Sadly, the biggest issue that African America along with their liberal puppeteers are pedaling is Trumps refusal to apologize to Central Park 5. Joe Biden had worked for years pushing his crime bill, one of his biggest partners was noted GOP racist Strom Thurmond. However, it must not be overlooked that it was the democrats who voted in mass for a bill that they knew had systemic racial impacts that could ultimately destroy black communities for decades.

Trumps actions during that period was based on the elevated media attention and fears of wealthy white women being attacked in Central Park, and the fact that four of the five young men had reportedly confessed to not only the crime against the jogger but many other attacks that had not been solved in the park as well.

The Central Park jogger case was a major news story that involved the assault and rape of Trisha Meili, a white female jogger, and attacks on others in the North Woods of Manhattan’s Central Park on the night of April 19, 1989. The attack on the jogger left her in a coma for 12 days. Meili was a 28-year-old investment banker at the time. According to The New York Times, the attack was “one of the most widely publicized crimes of the 1980s”.[1]

On the night of the attack, five juvenile males — four African American and one Hispanic — were apprehended in connection with a number of attacks in Central Park committed by around 30 teenage perpetrators. The defendants were tried variously for assault, robbery, riot, rape, sexual abuse, and attempted murder relating to Meili’s and other attacks in the park, based solely on confessions that they said were coerced and false.

However, there is no excuse for his continued refusal to acknowledge that he was wrong but that still does not equate to the impact of Joe Biden’s bill, and the laws he added that incentivized local and state agencies to criminalize millions of African Americans for petty crimes that landed them in prison for decades. Joe Biden was and is a Mass Incarceration Zealot who worked tirelessly for years to see his Crime Bill passed.

For years, Joe Biden was determined to make Democrats the tough-on-crime party. The 1994 Crime Bill and its expansion of mass incarceration was his crowning achievement.

“Quite frankly, the President’s plan is not tough enough, bold enough, or imaginative enough to meet the crisis at hand,” Biden said in a televised response to Bush’s speech. “In a nutshell, the President’s plan does not include enough police officers to catch the violent thugs, enough prosecutors to convict them, enough judges to sentence them, or enough prison cells to put them away for a long time.”

The episode set the pattern for Biden’s career through the 1990s: every time Republicans put forward a measure that escalated the carceral state beyond sense and reason, Biden would look to one-up it.

Biden was already a tough-on-crime evangelist before this speech, of course. In the 1980s, Biden worked with his “old buddy,” arch-segregationist Strom Thurmond, to pass several bills that fundamentally reshaped the American criminal justice system in the direction of more incarceration.

Liberals have become quite bold in their attempts to both brainwash and control the narrative and ensure that black people will ignore Biden’s past and focus solely on beating Trump. It amazes me how the only time African Americans are lauded is when they need our votes to keep their agendas alive, yet none of these people would fight for anything related to reparations for ADOS. The entire twitter thread below and its comments are pathetic, reading white liberals attempts to brainwash African Americans on how we should vote is beyond insulting.

The twitterer above is Craig Mazin, a writer and producer of HBO’s Chernobyl, by his own tweets he is craftily setting the stage to manipulate black people into voting for whoever the democrats pedal out of fear of a Trump re-election. However, none of these good white liberals are going after all of the liberal white women who actually put Trump into office in the first place.

The author with her sign at the Women’s March. Credit: Kevin Banatte

My message stood in stark contrast to the theme of togetherness that dominated the Women’s March — the pink “pussy hats” and “girl power” placards, and chants about how women would lead the resistance. This was exactly the point. I made the sign to communicate that in a world where 53 percent of white women voters chose a racist, elitist sexual predator for president, the idea that we all want the same thing is a myth.

The point wasn’t to antagonize the Women’s March participants, who were mostly white. Rather, I wanted to highlight that on a national level, white women are not unified in opposition to Trumpism and can’t be counted on to fight it. Instead, it’s the identity, experience and leadership of black women that we must look to.

Democrats want to position themselves as a pro-woman, pro-immigrant, pro-equality party. We do ourselves a disservice if we believe the myth that a majority of white women voting in the era of Trump are moved by that message. The numbers don’t lie: For many white women, it’s racial identity, not gender or party, that guides their choices in the voting booth. As my sign pointed out, in 2016 more than half of white female voters chose Mr. Trump. A year later, in Virginia, 51 percent of white women voted for the Republican Ed Gillespie, who lost after running an anti-immigrant, white-nationalist-sympathizing, Steve Bannon-backed campaign for governor.

Liberals know that without the black woman vote they are dead in the water because unlike black women, white women are actually voting to preserve their white identity and white power structure. Sadly, black women are being fooled into believing that we are all on the same mission and playing fields with our faux white women allies. These white women will never vote to destroy the powers of their fathers, husbands and sons, no matter how much they cry about patriarchy and Trump to push us to vote for their agendas. I’m often amazed that we never hear about the need to court black male voters, yet democrats have jumped behind Biden in his quest to court the white male “working class” voters that they lost to Trump.

What have democrats done to rectify their disastrous crime bill and what overtures have they offered to court African American men, as they often do for white men?

Biden’s racist past and his connections to white blue color racists are the very reasons that he was chosen as Obama’s running mate…they knew they needed to appeal to those voters in order to secure an Obama win.

The reality is democrats know that Biden’s Crime Bill destroyed the voting rights of millions of black men, which is why their quest now on restoring their right to vote is laughable. Democrats are fighting for the rights of former non violent felons to be allowed to vote after serving their sentence, but they will never push for those same former felons to have a right to bare arms.

From left, Mayor Edward I. Koch, Donald J. Trump and Mr. Trump’s wife at the time, Ivana, attended the opening of Trump Tower in 1983. Credit: Sonia Moskowitz/Getty Images

As for Central Park 5, I can’t imagine what they have been through but black people should know that it was not just Trump who was pushing for their demise but elite white liberals who controlled the politics of NYC were as well. Democrats then favorite Mayor Ed Koch lead the charge calling for a decisive conviction against McCray, Richardson, Santana, Wise and Salaam.

The white fear that black men possess an ever-burning desire to defile white woman is felt most acutely when men of color are accused of raping Caucasian females. When mainstream media tabloids like The New York Post began covering the Central Park jogger case with pointed angle towards demonizing the accused, they utilized vocabulary like “savage” and “wolf pack” that highlighted the bestial nature that had long been associated with black men in America. The propensity of these media crafted notions to seep into public consciousness cannot be understated. Within the first week of media coverage following the rape of the Central Park jogger, the residents of New York City had pronounced the accused teenagers public enemies, who posed a direct threat to public safety in Manhattan.

Mr. Salaam heading to trial

Ed Koch much like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton with Super Predators; whipped up the fears of whites in NYC which lead to a massive polarization of blacks against whites his entire two terms. Trumps actions were only a symptom of what his then liberal elite buddies, and mainstream media icons like the New York Post created. This was also no different than the hysteria and the addition of VAWA (Violence Against Women’s Act) to the Crime Bill after the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson, that Joe Biden used to force the votes of Bernie Sanders and others on voting for the Crime Bill.

Finally, the question becomes are we going to continue to allow democrats to pedal fear of the latest boogeyman to push their agendas that are ‘always’ destructive to black people, or are we going to vote for someone who places our needs at the forefront of their policy agendas? #ADOS

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach🍑




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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