No “Aunt Gloria” We Don’t Need Another Blackface Owned By the Establishment! #GeorgeFloyd

5 min readJun 2, 2020


Waking up today to see the hashtag #AuntGloria trending on twitter and then reading captions on what it was about, I was floored. When will my people ever wake up? First of all, Jonathan Capehart is an establishment shill who like many black media elites, have profited from the oppression of black communities and black people.

Capehart has apparently created a platform and voice called #AuntGloria (after his aunt), sounds more like an alter ego but I digress.

Capehart is the same shill who wrote an article after Ferguson uprising that “Hands Up Don’t Shoot Was Built on A Lie”…yet nothing could have been farther from the truth. Capehart and other Black media sellouts, profited enormously under Obama by constantly doing his bidding. Holder lied on his report to protect the police, there was live footage that caught two construction workers working nearby, who yelled he had his hands up the very moment he was murdered. Capehart couldn’t wait to pen an article defending the cops in Ferguson by denouncing the fact that Mike Brown did have his hands up. Capehart wanted to make sure he honored is masters no matter what the truth really was or how it affected the Black community of Ferguson.

The story below was written by Jonathan Capehart to denounce Mike Brown’s murder and to protect the cop who murdered him.

The article below was first posted by CNN with the actual live video that caught two bystanders (construction workers) who screamed at the very moment that Mike Brown was gunned down, “that he had his hands up.”

Nothing could be more insulting and wrong than a Black person saying that we need a cop to be VP after what we are currently witnessing, and what we witnessed during the Obama administration with the advent of BLM. In fact, the mere idea that the democratic party has put the architect of mass incarceration at the top of the ticket should be a clear sign of what they think of Black people. I will repeat, Obama’s choice for Biden was only due to his racist past and ability to draw in that group of voters for him to win.

It should also be insulting to Black people that the Black women that have been pedaled to be VP are all cops or have other cop leaning issues. Who do you think they will really represent?

  1. Kamala Harris, former AG built her career on locking up black men with impunity. Also stated with passion during her campaign that she would not do anything “specifically” for Black people.
  2. Val Demings, former Orlando Police Chief — and virtual unknown, but of course she yells against Trump…however, that her former job title alone should be a disqualifier.
  3. Susan Rice, former National Security Advisor…the corruption of this woman is endless. She’s deep state and no Black person should even look at her for higher office.
  4. Stacey Abrams, never saw a Black cause that she fought for as State Representative in GA (but was always eager to work against us)…as a matter of fact, it is widely known within GA political circles that she refused to attend or support anything Black. The fact that she also took $5M from “Stop & Frisk” Bloomberg should tell you all you need to know about Abrams and why she should NEVER be considered for higher office either.

So per Capehart, Aunt Gloria says that Joe Biden has to now pick Kamala after the current social unrest. What’s so pathetic about Kamala as VP is that had Black people wanted her on the ticket she would have been chosen for the top of the ticket instead of Biden. The reality is that after the recent murder of George Floyd, democrats need a new candidate for President who isn’t tainted with the racist background of Biden’s mass incarceration and the plethora of videos showing his racist rhetoric and political agendas.

We don’t need symbolism over substance, or window dressing for a Black face that won’t do anything to fight for legislation against police brutality, and who won’t fight to take down the language barriers to arrest, charge and convict police for murder when appropriate.

We should never forget that the first Black president, Barack Obama militarized police more than any other president, surpassing George Bush before him. We should never forget that Obama wrote a love letter to police but condemned Baltimore protestors as thugs. We should never forget that Obama had a chance to push for legislation that made substantive change against police brutality but instead he chose to sign a bill to protect them. We should never forget that voting Blue No Matter Who without demands, only helps politicians and their handlers. We should also never forget that the current governor of Minnesota is a democrat…the mayor of Minneapolis is a democrat, twelve out of the thirteen city council members in Minneapolis are democrats, the police chief and AG (Keith Ellison) are both Black men and democrats. Now ask yourself why they allowed their coroner to lie about the cause of George Floyd’s murder, and why they didn’t charge Chauvin with first degree murder and the other three as well? The truth is that Democrats like their racism covert and quiet, they would be willing to accept Trump like they did with Bush, if he didn’t make so much noise.

FYI: I still say that White women will never allow a Black woman to ascend to higher office before they do…their real view is that they gave us Obama, it’s “their” turn now!

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach🍑

Michael R Hicks, Antonio Moore, Uncle Hotep, The Democrats




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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