Obama refused to Pardon Kwame Kilpatrick but the “Racist” in the White House just did🤷🏽‍♀️…

8 min readMay 25, 2020


It has been frustrating and shameful watching the mental gymnastics of Black people who parrot white liberal talking points about the big bad orange man in the white house. The democrats national media arms, social media platforms, and Hollywood celebs have all been the architects of some of the most salacious and openly egregious brainwashing and propaganda in the history of this country. If the president says it or does it, it’s bad…even when those things positively affect the lives of Black people.

The lauding of Obama is sickening when in fact he turned his back on all things related to the Black community; he refused to pardon Kwame Kilpatrick, even after a petition was sent to him for his release.

If you’re mad about Ahmed Aubrey’s murder and the alleged complicit police and judicial system that covered it up, then you surely are mad with Obama and his administration who did nothing about the constant police murders and corruption under his watch. Actually, I stand corrected; he did sign the Blue Alert Law into place that made police a protected class. All as he and Holder gave lip service and research papers to the Black community on the ills of systemic racism…in conjunction with calling poor Black kids in Baltimore, “thugs”…but Trump, did call Africa, “shit hole countries”…so there’s that!

I’ve watched Black people repeatedly call Trump a racist because as a private citizen he placed an ad in the paper that pushed for death penalty against the Central Park 5. Trump was a private citizen with no power, yet the Democratic Mayor, Ed Koch who whipped up the frenzy around the arrests and forced guilty pleas of CP5, got a pass. These same people who say they hate Trump because of CP5 and his push to execute five innocent Black men, are also saying they’re voting for Joe Biden, the architect of the Crime Bill…who is literally behind the “mass” incarceration of millions of Black men and women, and untold deaths as of a result of it as well. These same people ignore the fact that Joe Biden not only wrote the crime bill, but he also incentivised states to push for harsher sentencing in exchange for millions in federal dollars. These same people don’t find it shameful that Joe Biden’s drug addicted son, can be kicked out of military for drug abuse and then given a $50K a month job with no skills in that area…all while Joe made sure that Black men/women with drug addictions were criminalized and languish in prison (as many still are) or allowed opportunities for a basic minimum wage job, let alone something so outrageously offensive as the money that Hunter Biden was reportedly making. These same people don’t find it offensive that Joe Biden’s niece can be found guilty of credit card fraud and be given a slap on the wrist, while anyone else would be sentenced to prison based on Biden’s own crime bill.

Caroline Biden, reportedly told police upon her rest, “you can’t handcuff me, you don’t know who you’re doing this to!”.

The entire Congressional Black Caucus refused to sign on to a bill that was created to reverse the effects of Biden’s Crime Bill, a bill that consequently many of them signed. However, because Trump would be given credit for it; they decided to continue the destruction of Black lives for their political gain (continue the control of Democratic Establishment) and to stay in favor with their political handlers, aka PACs.

African Americans are used by democrats to be the face of all that ails their party, as a means for control and manipulation. When the democrats along with their CIA backed corporate media, realized in 2016 that they had lost the propaganda war on platforms like Facebook and Twitter; they quickly devised the lie that Black people were at fault for Hillary’s loss because we were duped by Russia into believing their information on police violence against Black people. The sheer stupidity of something this pathetic is beyond insulting but it’s even more egregious that Black leaders and Black celebrities who have all sold out the Black community for their access and fame, said nothing or agreed.

We didn’t need Russia to tell us that we are being abused and murdered by police, or that the Democratic Party has used us for nothing more than our votes. Yet that was the line that was told to us and unfortunately for me; I was even accused of being a Russian bot and ultimately removed from Twitter because my words were not of praise for Democrats. They needed this Russian lie to ensure that Black people questioned all that they read on social media going forward, and that they could push for restrictions on social media that shut down any speech that was not considered acceptable or part of the political agenda of the powers that be…and in this case liberals. Twitter has now become an echo chamber of liberals agendas and only those who follow their train of thought are allowed to be heard…everyone else is either shadow banned or banned for good.

In reality what Joe Biden said about my blackness is how White liberals really think about Black people when it comes to politics…they clearly refused to accept that I am Black or that any Black person who isn’t towing the establishments line should be considered for anything other than condemnation and scorn. White liberals only care about Black people up and until they cross the line of usefulness when voting for their agendas.

I am neither Democrat nor Republican…I am Free! I am free to choose who and what I vote for without recrimination or explanation. I owe no one my vote or my allegiance. I will not be bullied into voting for Democrats, nor fear-mongered into believing that Trump is the antichrist and that racism didn’t exist until his arrival into the white house.

Democrats have also mastered the use of race and racism to anger and rile up Black people when they need us/them for votes or compliance. Making Black people the face of Covid19 was their best trick as of date. It ensured that they could command and control us into submission (to make sure we went along with the lockdown) and to be the future faces of the experiments that will soon come (Tuskegee Experiment comes to mind).

However, they will never fight for anything that eliminates the systemic racism of healthcare that has created the unequal health disparities within the Black communities across this country. France wasn’t able to use Africa as guinea pigs but the US has already created the platform for Black people to eagerly stand in line for Bill Gates’ new vaccine (I mean population control)…I digress.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that Democrats have tried all they could to destroy Trump’s chances for re-election, when Russia, Russia didn’t work, a faux impeachment a distant memory, so C0VID became the catalyst to hold the American people hostage, and to destroy the economy and the lives of those they deem expendable or deplorable in order to take back the white house. Bill Maher suggested as much last year and was ignored by liberals for suggesting such a dangerous thing.

It sickened me watching Black female mayors like Keisha Lance-Bottoms in Atlanta, Muriel Bowser in DC and London Breed in San Francisco, all pedal the same talking points to poor Blacks about staying home, when all of these women continue to get paid (and live lavish lifestyles) and have some of the best healthcare because of their jobs. Yet Democrats want poor Blacks and poor people in general to stay home with no means of support all while they continue to be paid without interruption. Keisha Lance Bottoms has worked hard to pedal fear into the Black community in Atlanta about Governor Kemp’s re-opening of the state…but now has since had to eat crow because the apocalypse that she described did not happen.

I was shocked and happy to read that Pat Sajack slammed the media’s double standard on pushing stay at home, all while they continue to get paid.

The media and others attack Trump for his control and manipulation of right wingers and poor whites, yet it’s no different than what Democrats have done and continue to do with poor Blacks and the Black community at large when it comes to pedaling racism for political control. The amazing thing about their constant rants of racism is, that they never work on any policies to fight against or to challenge the systemic racism that we face. Any and all healthcare disparities that are being discussed because of COVID, Democrats have refused to fight for (and please don’t even think of mentioning ACA). Unfortunately, poor Black people don’t have PACS to pay off politicians to fight for their causes, but there are many PACs that prop up democrats that work against us.

As I’ve stated before voting is an exchange, and I don’t care which party offers the platform or the agenda’s that I feel we need as Black people, if and when I vote, it will be based on that and that alone. Oprah once said when campaigning for Hillary, “She’s not coming over to your house! You don’t have to like her,” she said. “You don’t have to like her. I agree with Oprah, on how to view the voting process…just not on Hillary! Black people need to learn what voting means and stop being manipulated by propaganda, emotions and fear (it is not a political game against the right if you’re always on the losing end and only the politicians you defend and vote for, are winning).

Update: after the writing of this article, it has been stated that Kwame will not be getting out as originally stated but that it’s still being considered. However, I stand by my article regardless.

P.S. I ain’t Black…maybe a Black Russian!

From Russia WIth Love,

Charlie Peach🍑




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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