Obama signed “Blue Alert Law” to “PROTECT” Police! #GeorgeFloyd
My heart still aches for Tamir Rice, yet there was something morbid and beyond evil about watching a White cop literally choke the life out of a Black man as he laid subdued and begging for his life. There is no ambiguity or reasoning to justify or protect police who already yield and hold an advantage of both gun and badge. This was murder and it’s time for justice beyond a courtroom but in policies that will no longer protect these covert klansmen and even Black cops who hide behind a badge to murder without fear of retribution.
I’m over the protesting and the elevation of nefarious groups like BLM and Black pundits like Capehart, Joy Reid, Angela Rye, April Ryan, Jamille Hill and many others when it comes to the murders of Black men by police. All of these people only see the value of Black men when they’re dead and can be used for profit. All while lauding and protecting the Democratic Party and its systemic racism and policies. They pedal vote blue no matter who to naive Black voters, and ignore the blatant and bold racism of their own party’s racist agendas and views…Joe Biden comes to mind.
As for BLM, they have been completely silent on any form of change since profiting in the millions during the Obama era, with most of those given a platform for profit, have worked hard to paint Black men as Toxic…pedaling the phrase “toxic masculinity.” Terry Crews became the face of anti straight Black male and promoter of toxic masculinity, after allegedly being fondled by a white gay man…make that make sense. Any Black person who profits from and/or thinks that Black men should be less masculine is a threat to Black people and families. It is words like these and super predators, that give fuel to racist cops who see Black men and people as less than human.
None of these people held Obama and his administration accountable when it came to his protecting of police during the height of some of the worst police brutality in the 21st Century. Obama’s Blue Alert Law was in direct response to someone angry about Ferguson. My point in stating all of the above is that as Black people we can not continue to fall for the same lies and misleadership of Black faces and Black elites, who profit from our demise. Voting for Blue no Matter Who is one of the most pathetic and insulting political phrase ever uttered by Black people…second only to “firewall”.
The current Black female Attorney General of NY (Black Girl Magic and all), just appealed a lower court’s decision to release former Black Panther, Julil Mutaqim…he now is fighting for his life with COVID19. There is no difference in the parties when it comes to lauding of police and war, and putting a Black woman or Black face on them doesn’t change their agendas. Obama, AG James, current Black politicians and those before them who serve in higher offices, only do so at the leisure and control of white supremacy. I won’t mention how Obama and his DOJ, placed a million dollar bounty on Assata Shakur and designated her as a terrorists.
There is no excuse or law in the world that should allow or condone a police officer using his body to choke a man to death the way we witnessed with the horrific murder of George Floyd. There should be no law that protects this form of state sanctioned murder. Where are the laws to protect Black people? Where have politicians been for the past 50 years on any substantive change for Black people when it comes to systemic racism? Why has any laws on civil rights that were created specifically for us, been watered down to include white women as victims (white women like Amy Cooper), LGBTQ (rich white men like Ed Buck) and others?
I’ve taken the liberty of re-publishing the entire USA Today article below.
The Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert Act of 2015 is named for the two New York Police Department officers killed in an ambush attack last December.
The assailant, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, had shot his girlfriend earlier in the day, and then threatened on his Instagram account to kill police officers in retaliation for the recent police killings in Ferguson, Mo. and New York City. But that information never made it to New York.
“They were serving their community with great honor and dedication and courage, and all of New York grieved and all of the nation grieved,” Obama said in an Oval Office signing ceremony with the families of the slain officers. “It’s important for us not only to honor their memory, it’s also important for us to make sure that we do everything we can to help ensure the safety of our police officers when they’re in the line of duty.”
The law requires the Justice Department to create a notification system relating to assaults on police officers, officers who are missing in the line of duty, and credible threats against law enforcement. The system is modeled after Amber Alerts for abducted children and Silver Alerts for missing seniors.
It’s the 12th bill Obama has signed into law so far this year.
Obama called the bill “the best of a bipartisan support for law enforcement.” It was so uncontroversial that it passed both the House and the Senate by voice vote.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach🍑