OMFG Are you for real? Can you people read and comprehend or all of you just replying to the headline with reflexive rants? I am NOT going to keep explaining this as though you all are 3rd graders. The article clearly lays out in great detail all of the things that Serena and her family has endured throughout both she and Venus’ career and NONE of that was b/c of SEXISM, that Serena so proudly and vehemently, through out there for her white feminist friends and handlers…her saying SEXISM vs RACISM to appease white feminists & her new white family, was a slap in the face to all that her father has endured getting her to this level and to all the black female athletes who still deal with being treated diff than all of their white female athletes. Serena did like ALL black women who have joined in with white women’s campaign of victimhood, and that’s to be equal to white men, when Serena and Black women have NEVER been seen as equal to White women, a FACT that FEMINIST will NEVER discuss b/c it takes away their power and narrative. I’m done explaining this, if you simpletons can’t get it…then I truly see why our communities have suffered so badly over the past 50yrs. #STOCKHOLMSYNDROME