Only a Mob of Angry White Women Can Take Over US Capitol Bldg and Not Be Teargassed like Ferguson
Imagine the difference in response and reaction had black women in mass taken over the U.S. Capitol. We all know that any large groups of black people protesting anything is met with teargas, military tanks and other forms of abusive and inhumane tactics…white women are showing you the power and privilege they really have, and its black women they’ve used to maintain it.
These women laugh behind the scenes as they see polling numbers where black women are the largest voting blocks for their agendas…agendas that are really meant to destroy and manipulate/gentrify black communities. Black women and men were the largest groups who voted for Doug Jones, all while none of them demanded anything in return. Meanwhile, poor black people in Alabama are suffering with a third world disease called, Hookworm.
In 2018, white women want you to believe that Roe vs. Wade is a critical issue of the 21st Century for women. Imagine had these same groups of angry white women came together to protest against Flint’s water crisis…shouldn’t women care about the lives of poor and black children? Shouldn’t the safety and health of Flint’s poor be of an utmost concern, and that the systemic unjust of these children and families generational health issues? Nevermind…I guess aborting them would be the best answer.
The above image is really sad and telling, it’s clear George Soros is getting anyone he can to protest for him, but I digress. Imagine how liberal white women claim they despise old white men so vehemently but it’s old white men like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer who are actually the puppet masters behind them. #Politricks
America has a history of how they treat black people who protest…what we’ve been witnessing with white women over the last two years since Hillary’s loss is proof of their privilege and the depths they will go to maintain it. #TheResistance
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach