Only Rich White Women Are To Be Believed with #MeToo… #KeithEllison vs. #BrettKavanaugh
I am confused why the Democratic Party has refused to believe the very detailed accounts of the abuse allegations against Keith Ellison by a Black woman, but are all in believing the story of a rich White woman about an alleged incident that supposedly occurred almost 40 years ago.
Where was the Democratic Party, feminists, Hollywood, and #MeToo in their condemnation and fight to stop Keith Ellison from becoming an Attorney General of Minnesota, without hearing all sides of what supposedly occurred?
I’ve said repeatedly that the #MeToo movement is nothing more than disgruntled wealthy White women, who are looking for revenge of their loss against Trump, and nothing more. These women have never valued the lives of Black women. They only use us for votes and champions of their causes, only to step on our backs on their way home to their gated communities when done. The White woman below (who’s bio says she’s former CIA) has the audacity to say that women don’t lie about sexual assault or rape. I guess she’s never heard of The Scottsboro Boys, Emmitt Till, or the recent story of the White girl who lied and accused two Black athletes of rape. Emily Brandwin, is a threat and it’s White women like her who pose the biggest threat to Black women and Black communities. I will repeat there is no difference in the Patriarchy of rich White men and the dangerous Matriarchy of rich White women.
If Christine Blasey Ford can be believed for the far fetched story she alleges occurred over 36 years ago, where she says that she can’t remember the actual date, where or who’s home the alleged party occurred or how she got home, then surely the very detailed allegations by Karen Monahan against Keith Ellison should have ended his campaign for Attorney General of Minnesota long ago.
The Democratic Party doesn’t care about women’s issues unless those issues can further their agendas. They also don’t care at all about issues that affect or are alleged by Black women, Anita Hill showed us that. The Democratic Party, lead by then Senator Joe Biden, had control of the Senate and they voted Clarence Thomas into office.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach