Parkland’s David Hogg, the Liberals new Cointelpro Deray McKesson!
Who better to be the face of angry white kids for democrats than a gay white male whose father is an FBI agent! This carefully crafted packaging is the cointelpro work of the Democratic Party’s identity politics and their deep state loving, covert agendas. David Hogg a privileged gay white boy, who couldn’t even get accepted into college, will now be given a free ride to a liberal institution…talk about knowing how to play the system! During a CNN interview, Alisyn Camerota was stunned that David was denied acceptance into the four colleges that he had applied for.
“David, I am stunned that four colleges rejected you. What kind of dumbass colleges don’t want you? I mean you’ve taken the country by storm. How do you explain this? Did they reject you before the Parkland massacre? Or how do you explain this?” a flabbergasted Camerota said.
What Camerota really meant was that she was stunned that a white boy of privilege and the son of an FBI agent, would not be accepted…grades and test scores be damned; he fit all the criteria and therefore his path should have been set no matter what his test scores revealed.
Deray McKesson was used in the same manner to co-opt the real protesters and activists during the Ferguson & Baltimore uprisings. Deray magically appeared, replete with blue vest, to marches as the face of Ferguson and Black Lives Matter. He was quickly lauded as the media darling, and gained celebrity access & shout outs, White House invites & wall street fundraisers. Yet those who questioned his validity were denounced (Ashley Yates), drowned out or mysteriously found dead (Darren K. Seals). Sadly, Darren Seals was found executed in a burning car in Ferguson, and not even a protest by the newly famed Black Lives Matter, who rose to fame off the backs of real activists like Seals and the murders of black men by police.
Zachary Russem was then the vice president of Goldman Sachs. In 2011, according to his LinkedIn profile, he worked in the Office of the Vice President and Office of the Secretary as a policy analyst. He was the regional field director for Obama for America from June 2007 — November 2008.
While Deray was getting rich from the deaths of black men and women, and being lauded by mainstream media and hosted by celebrities, real activists like Darren Seals was spending his own money buying the needed school supplies for poor kids in Ferguson. A quick search of the logs showed that Deray had been in and out of the White House for years, long before there was a Ferguson. Yet he wanted us all to believe that he was a nobody who just happened to show up in Ferguson.
I was offended a few days ago when David Hogg decided that he needed to speak about the late heavy weight boxer Jack Johnson, because Trump is considering giving him a posthumous pardon (at the behest of Sylvester Stallone). David not only slyly stated that Jack Johnson was convicted of being a “flashy black man who openly dated white women”…but he couldn’t help but add that Johnson was also violent against women. David’s attempted baiting of black feminists resentment was very clear when he mocked his love of white women. Yet it was his violence against women comment, that he really wanted to use to stir the anger of racist white women and men…fueling the anger and hate that a black man who was a “white woman” beater would be considered for a pardon for his alleged crimes.
I can only imagine that David Hogg was fed this trough of information by his FBI father, the same FBI that targeted Jack Johnson and many other black men of prominence during that era they deemed who forgot their place. David Hogg has no business questioning or speaking about Jack Johnson and whether he deserves a pardon or even questioning it. He gets no love or support from me just because he wages a public battle with Laura Ingraham. However, what’s even worse is that just because Trump suggested it and now David is pushing against; I’ve seen black people who are questioning why and are against Trump’s gesture. The sickness of black people is deep, when it comes to grasping how the political game is played. We should take any and all gestures big and small that are given to us without strings, no matter the party that’s offering. Can you imagine DACA immigrants refusing positive immigration reform because Trump was the architect of it?
I’m still waiting on democrats to demand the removal of racists J. Edgar Hoover’s name from the FBI building, since they love removing old statues of racists and symbolic gestures/symbols with no substance.
If David Hogg wants to speak about issues related to black people, he can start with standing up for the parents of slain high school student Kendrick Johnson whose parents are being forced to pay almost $300,000 to the family of an FBI agent for suing them for the murder of their son (currently in appeal). Kendrick Johnson was allegedly murdered because of his relationship with the daughter of an FBI agent. The young girls two brothers were accused of rolling him up in a gym mat where he was later found dead. Since David has such great memory as it relates to black history and black men who date white women, perhaps he can shed his newfound spotlight on the murder of Kendrick Johnson…Johnson who like Emmett Till, was apparently murdered because of his cardinal sins against a white woman.
It’s shameful that we saw liberals (who claim to LOVE black people, their most loyal base) raise over $550,000 for fired and very rich, former FBI Agent, Andrew McCabes legal defense after being rightfully fired by Trump; but not a dime has been given in support of the Johnson family’s legal issues to fight against the FBI, and the system that’s currently upholding their crimes.
Lastly, I want be holding my breath on David Hogg, Deray McKesson or the Democratic Party to fight for the family of Kendrick Johnson; because we already know that any protests we see are carefully crafted with sleight-of-hand, and their ultimate goal is always that of maintaining white supremacy.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach