Parkland’s #MarchForOurLives gets a Lobbyist and #BLM got the Celebrity of Deray…

5 min readJul 23, 2018


Seeing the headline over the weekend celebrating Parkland students multi-million dollar windfall, and their obtaining a D.C. Lobbyist was gut wrenching. Knowing that the amount of money that was quickly raised for Parkland was never readily offered for the many police murders of Black children, was yet another reminder of how society devalues Black lives. The private jet rides that Parkland students received, and the immediate cash from celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and George Clooney were never offered to Black activists protesting gun violence in Black spaces. I will never forget that Queen Oprah boldly pushed back against giving monies to groups that were actively fighting against the systemic police murders and abuse that Black people continue to face daily. However, she eagerly reached out to Clooney to match his $500,000 donation for #MarchForOurLives.

Where are the lobbyist against police violence and murders for Black people? Where are the lobbyist pushing to overhaul the justice system that continues to traumatize and destroy Black families? Deray and his group should all be held accountable for their use of Black murders to enrich themselves.

I warned people early on that Deray McKesson and his group were frauds who had been sent to hijack the real protestors and by virtue, minimize and destroy their fight. There was a plethora of signs and information that exposed them all for who they really were, but no one wanted to listen. White House visitors logs showed that Deray had been in and out of the White House since 2012, and Ferguson didn’t erupt until 2014.

There was no push for a lobbying group or any real change, because that was not what they were sent for nor chosen to do. The only lives that have been changed were those of people like Deray, Brittnay Packnett and the many sellout negroes who’ve profited from the murders of Black men, women and children that we saw plastered across social media and TV during the heights of unrest. Erica Garner (may she rest in peace) was never afforded the celebrity and prominence that people like Deray was given, because unlike Deray she was not willing to sell her soul nor her people to the liberal establishment for a price.

I will never forget the day that Deray McKesson blocked me on twitter because I simply asked (after seeing his tweet praising the Democratic Party and Hillary) why would he/they get in bed with any political party if they really wanted to effect change.

It should not go unnoticed or unsaid, that the real activists who started the Ferguson protests are either dead, in prison or struggling financially with no fame or fortune. I will never forget a young man by the name of Darren Seals, whom I got the chance to know personally before he was found shot to death inside a burning car in Ferguson. Darren took his own hard earned money to purchase school supplies for children in Ferguson, all while people like Deray were being hosted at the White House, lauded on late night TV, and hosted in Hollywood. I will never forget the young activist named Edward Crawford, who’s iconic picture below ignited the fires of us all during Ferguson’s unrest, and who also was found shot to death in a car.

I will never forget the young activist named DeAndre Joshua, also found shot to death inside a burning car. I will also never forget a young woman by the name of Ashley Yates who struggles to this day with not only the financial burdens brought on by her activism but also the serious pain and mental struggles that she has had to endure because of it all. I will also never forget a young 19 year old activist by the name of Joshua Williams who was sentenced to 8 years in prison in 2015 for his role in the infamous Q-Trip fire in Ferguson.

All of these activists were the catalyst of the Ferguson’s protests and uprisings after Michael Brown was shot dead by police, yet none of them received an ounce of notoriety or respect from those like Deray McKesson and Brittany Packnett, who literally are cointelpro operatives sent to overthrow the real movement for Black lives. After all the protests are over and done, what exactly was ever achieved other than the success and celebrity of a chosen few! Ferguson still struggles, Baltimore has become a cesspool of violence and poverty. We only have ourselves to blame, for we continue to bask in the celebrity and fraud of those who use us for their own selfish gain. So, #MarchForOurLives gets a lobbyist in Washington, Deray gets Hollywood celebrity stardom, the Democrats fight for gun control and an ending of ICE, but NOTHING to end the systemic violence and abuse perpetrated by police nor the gun violence within Black communities as a whole.

When will we demand better for ourselves? When will we stop placing people on pedestals who don’t belong there, just because they share our skin color? Where are the lobbyist for Black lives?

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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