Part 2: Again thank you for your thought provoking response but as it relates to our children, I must draw the line on your over simplifying their plight as well. Again my point was not to demean the plight of asylum seekers but it is insulting watching Dems rant abt ICE and the ending of it, all while they’ve never forced or pushed the end of the police state and systemic police abuse that black ppl live through daily. Our communities are war zones as well, our children’s are suffering from decades of dem rule and neglect. As I said, there’s not a week that goes by that an unarmed black man isn’t gunned down by police, or a video is exposed of police abuse of power in some way. My attempt has been to show the hypocrisy and fraud of the party that brags of its owning the black vote. FYI: you can bet your last dollar, that had the make up of the ppl trying to enter in this county had been BLACK, as in African or Haitian, the wall would have already been up and not a tear shed for the separation of children period.
I’m sick of the con game that’s being played on my people at the hands of the Democrat party. I stand by what I wrote and I’m so tired of my people being used to further others agendas, while our people are treated like dogs or worse. Thanks again….
Charlie Peach