PSA: Mac could very well be a racist liberal under the guise of supporting issues that favor African Americans. You’re correct, I have an agenda and it’s to expose the Democratic Party for the corrupt and covert, racist and oppressive party that they are. It amazes me that white people like you continue to think that, the only good ‘N*gga’, is one who lays down for Democratic Establishment. I have voted, like most AA’s that I know, for democrats all of my life and they have done NOTHING for our votes. Our communities are virtual wastelands, our kids are forced into pipeline to prison school systems, no housing nor decent living wage jobs…how dare you jump onto my page and denounce me as a Black person because I’m not drinking the Dems Kool-Aid any longer. I hate both parties, they’re both one head with two bodies, playing us all for fools as they fire up their bases with hate in order to pander to both sides of the aisle, while running to their joint county clubs at night and laughing all the way to the bank…both are owned by the same people…I will REPEAT: Terry Mcauliffe in VA, ONLY pushed to get felons an oppty to vote so that they would give the DEMS the votes they needed to win…
Lastly, the LEFT is more racist, because ONLY the LEFT take our votes and use them against us via RACIST policies and inaction.