Rose McGowan & Alyssa Milano’s Mental Health Is Overlooked By Liberals but Kanye…
We can all agree that Kanye’s unscripted commentary yesterday in the Oval Office was at times hard to follow, and Democrats and their propaganda armed liberal media cohorts couldn’t wait to pounce on him it for it. Liberal media talking heads were all in an uproar about the negro having the audacity to not give a damn or be pressured by democrats and daring to be free. Donna Brazile said that Kanye had sat Black people back 155 years. The online mockery and bullying was in full force. CNN’s Ana Navarro an especially caustic piece of work, said she felt about Kanye the same way she feels about Roseanne. She claims it’s not about their political opinion but their mental state and only a fool would believe that lie.
Side Note: Ana’s father was head of the Nicaraguan Guerrilla’s who helped George “Poppy” Bush (former CIA Director & then VP) attempt to overthrow the Iranian Government. I wonder what type of mental state her father had to be in to do this. Hence her families entrance into the US, their cushy setup in Miami and her coveted Bush family ties today. I digress…
I have yet to see democrats, or liberal media mocking the drugged out opportunist, Rose McGowan for her many public outbursts and issues over the last year, or Alyssa Milano who has talked about her mental illness. Instead of CNN and other liberal media outlets mocking and shaming Kanye, you would think in the spirit of what just recently happened to both Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade, Carlos Lopez, Jr., and several other high profiled celebrities who took their own lives, and that it’s National Mental Health week; they would not be mocking or attacking Kanye about his health. They claimed Trump was exploiting Kanye, did CNN exploit Anthony Bourdain with his rigorous schedule when they knew his history of drug abuse and mental issues? Are the democrats and #MeToo exploiting Rose McGowan and Alyssa Milano with their clear mental issues?
Where were liberals and their media propaganda spokespersons when Milano went on a strange chant recently ranting about being kicked in her p*ssy during an event, or when McGowan was rambling and attacking people at book signings who disagreed with her? Or when McGowan was arrested for carrying drugs onboard a flight earlier this year? Neither of these women have been gutted across the pages of newspapers and liberal media for their antics and they never will be, because not only are they white women but they’re also anti-Trump.
No one has attacked them as being mentally unstable and they both clearly are. Liberals will protect those they need to validate their agendas, nothing they’ve said about Kanye was concern over his mental health but fear that his large base within the Black community, especially among millennials; would somehow escape the shackles of the Democrat Party. Kanye advocated against Stop & Frisk, said that he came with words from the people of Chicago who were afraid and didn’t want that law implemented there. Kanye lobbied on behalf of jobs and economics for Black communities, he spoke of reparations, he lobbied for the release of Larry Hoover, (leader of the Gangster Disciples) a man who carries power in the streets of Chicago and who many say could stop the violence. As someone said, now please tell me why you’re really mad?
NEWSFLASH: For all of you ranting that Kanye didn’t vote, so his opinion doesn’t matter…Colin Kaepernick didn’t vote either.
MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle, and had the audacity to say that Kanye’s visit was an assault on OUR White House…and we all know what she meant by OUR. The White House now clearly must belong to rich White liberals ONLY. The racism from liberals has been in full force this past week, and Bette Midler’s racist tweet jumpstarted the show with her saying women were the nigga’s of the world.
So Ana and the rest of the lying liberals can all go to hell with their lies and hypocrisy; we all know that had Kanye been standing outside protesting over the last few weeks with White women about Kavanaugh, he would be lauded as a hero. Democrats are shaking in their boots at the thought of one NEGRO escaping and waking the rest of us up. They are working hard to register illegal immigrants as a means to make up any gaps if we finally break free, because without the minority vote they’re dead.
Democrats have held and unbending power within US government for decades, they’ve forced their ideology and policies down the throats of many who didn’t agree. They often yielded this with bullying tactics, not caring who they trampled in their wake. However, in order for all of these to happen they had to have complete control and submissiveness of Black people. What’s interesting about all of this unrelenting power, it is Black people who were used to achieve it but it has been Black people who have not yielded any results for doing so. I’m not sure about you but if my portfolio manager took all of my money and placed them in high risks stocks with no returns, that portfolio manager/company would be fired.
Lastly, as it relates to prison reform, Liberal media does not want you to know what’s really happening with that effort for the very reason they are attacking Kanye, they don’t want Trump to be seen for doing anything positive for Black people, especially since they’ve not done shit since the Civil Rights and even that initiative is no longer ours anymore.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach