Russell, I appreciate your following me and your taking time to respond, however, I purposely used the word ‘Zionist’ in order to separate Jewish people who are not Zionist. I am confused how you find that offensive or that it somehow makes me sound anti-semetic. When people call out the Alt-Right, should ALL white people be offended? I not once said ALL Jews and you are NOT calling me out, you’re exposing your own shallow hypocrisy and bias…in your very first sentence you applauded me for calling out members of ‘my’ community, yet you seem to have an issue with my calling out members of yours. I meant all that I said and I will NOT change a word of it. It’s amazing how people can find enjoyment in seeing and reading the criticism of others, yet can’t accept it when that mirror is placed on them, so if you’re a Zionist; I was definitely talking to you and about you but I never once said ALL Jewish people. Also, West speaks against Zionism all the time, so I am not sure what you’re even talking about…Lastly, I own and have read ALL fo Dr. West’s books; I don’t need you to give me directives on his work.