Ryan, thank you as well for reading my article and for taking the time to respond and doing so in a respectful manner…I am really saddened that anyone has taken this article to mean that I in any way was diminishing or trying to upstage the very valid fight that women (myself included) have had to battle when it comes to sexual harassment.
I am actually pained by the term #AllAssaultsMatter, I definitely can see you point in deriving at that viewpoint. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. We are both looking at this in very different ways. I see it as an act of power that goes beyond gender & you see it as an act of male specific rape and attacks. My only issue with that line of thinking is that, I remember all too well the 1000’s of young boys who were abused by the Catholic Church, I’ve not seen a month go by in this school year where some female teacher has not sexually engaged with a young boy, or the countless young boys who are sexually assaulted every day in Hollywood as well. Perhaps I should have been clearer on defending women and the epic hurdle we’ve had to climb to get to this point but I think we will do ourselves & our communities a disservice if we don’t acknowledge that this happens to both male and females when there are bad people in power etc..
Warm Regards,