“Scandalize My Name”: The Democratic Party and The Deep State’s 21st Century Red Channel List and Russia Scare Marcarthyism!
What’s old is now new, and what was once the GOP is now known as the Democratic Party. The dangerous and egregious tactics of using Russiamania and Communism as a weapon to destroy political opponents, via US politicians has a very sorbid and disturbing history. African Americans should know all to well how black activists who dared go against the status quo during the 40’s and 60’s were labeled Communists and Russian sympathizers. These tactics were largely used by the GOP but more often than not, also sanctioned by the Democratic Party. In the late 1940’s thru the 1960’s era of the Cold War, the US Government used the Red Scare tactic to hinder the civil rights movement. Morgan Freeman does a brilliant outline of the Red Scare tactics used against African American celebrites in the documentary, Scandalize My Name. It inlcudes first-hand experiences of African-American performers faced with “blacklists,” loyalty oaths and other discrimination. It explores the impact these tactics had on the performers’ careers and on civil rights as a whole. Paul Robeson, Jackie Robinson, Harry Belafonte, Ossie Davis, and Dick Campbell are just a few of the notable personalities featured. Yet, no one was more affected, attacked and ultimately destroyed than Paul Robeson.
“I met my brother the other day, I gave him my right hand, and just as soon as ever my back was turned, he scandalized my name.”~ Paul Robeson
Imagine my surprise when I saw a tweet from MSNBC’s, Joy Reid applauding an article written by a white man who clearly has an agenda, by destorting the history of African America and Russia Red Scare tactics. How any black person can support Joy Reid after these egregious tweets and propaganda pedaling is mindboggling. Joy is clearly being paid to pedal lies and manipulate black voters. If there is anyone who’s a threat and a danger to the American electorate and especially black people, it’s Joy Reid. Nothing she ever speaks of is even a distant cousin to the truth. How dare she a daughter of African immigrants, attempt to erase the history of vile racism, censorship and murders that African Americans fighting for civil rights, endured under the guise of McCarthyism and Red Scare tactics. There was once a time that I lauded and respected Joy, that woman is gone now…no longer recognizable under the millions she’s being paid to keep black people on the democrats plantation of systemic slavery and mental disillusions of truth.
Review by Mary Rayme from Suite 101
Can you imagine losing your career, your income, and your livelihood by speaking out against racism? That’s what happened to many prominent artists, actors, musicians, and writers during the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. The documentary film Scandalize My Name (1999) shows the devastating effect the Red Scare had on the civil rights movement and some of its major players. The House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) was an investigative branch of the U.S. House of Representatives and operated from 1938–1975.
Background on US Blacklisting: Scandalize My Name: Stories From the Blacklist is a heartbreaking film that shows how the hate and hysteria of the McCarthy era lead to a huge loss in the artistic community. African American actors and musicians particularly were blacklisted for speaking out against racism. Historically speaking, HUAC was not only paranoid about preventing the spread of Communism, it was also incredibly racist and held back the Civil Rights Movement in America through intimidation and blacklisting.
Paul Robeson and Red Channels
Paul Robeson, the American singer, athlete, and actor, was targeted by the House Un-American Activities Committee because he spoke out against American treatment of African Americans. Also, Robeson was revered in Russia for his amazing baritone-bass singing voice and charismatic personality. At the height of Robeson’s career, the US government revoked his passport and blacklisted him, severely effecting his income and reputation.
A publication entitled Red Channels (1950) was in essence a compilation of the blacklisted artists who included: Leonard Bernstein, Aaron Copland, Will Geer, Ruth Gordon, Uta Hagen, Dashiell Hammett, Lillian Hellman, Lena Horne, Langston Hughes, Burl Ives, Alan Lomax, Burgess Meredith, Zero Mostel, Dorothy Parker, Edward G. Robinson, Pete Seeger, Artie Shaw, Hazel Scott, and Orson Welles. Other artists blacklisted included: Eddie Albert, Harry Belafonte, Luis Bunuel, Charlie Chaplin, and Canada Lee.
Fallout of the Blacklist
Scandalize My Name features Harry Belafonte discussing how the blacklist effected his career and the other artists as well. Belafonte got a lucky break when Ed Sullivan declined to honor the blacklist and had Belafonte perform on his famous television show. Others were not so lucky.
Hazel Scott was a child musical prodigy who was the first African American woman to have her own television show in 1950s America. The blacklist effectively ruined her career, as well as that of Canada Day, the African American actor.
Blacklisting cut short the careers and voices of many screenwriters, directors, animators, musicians, actors, composers, and designers. Creating a blanket of censorship and paranoia, HUAC and the blacklists stifled dissent and held back creative and social progress for decades to come. If you have never heard of Canada Lee or Hazel Scott it is sad proof of the effective work of the McCarthy era and HUAC.~Teaching A People’s History
Russia is not my enemy, anymore than Cuba or Venezuela; I will not allow the brainwashing of US Imperialism and lies to dictate what I choose to accept or believe. Last weeks big Russia investigation flop by Mueller and the FBI, would have been laughable if it were not so insulting. The accusations of Black Lives Matter somehow being used by Russia to thwart the election of Hillary Clinton, a woman who spent millions in online trolls, millions in overpaid consultants, the entire deep state, millions more in liberal media propaganda, had all of Hollyweird behind her, and a sitting US president but are now blaming black people and Russian bots for her loss. The irony of that bogus claim is that the co-intelpro so-called leaders of Black Lives Matter (Deray McKesson & crew), endorsed Hillary Clinton, the entire organization was paid tens of millions by liberal organizations who also backed Hillary. The supposed Woke100 of black activists and frauds were lauded for their Firewall love for Hillary, with Essence Magazine covers and blue checks by twitter. These women were also paid in full for their selling out of the black community, and Russia didn’t write the checks. Joy Reid who was struggling with paying her taxes, was instantly paid millions in salary after jumping to take over Melissa H. Perry’s seat, with not one care about the issues MHP, alleged occurred with her departure.
Imagine my surprise (not surprise) in learning that Joy Reid was retweeted more than Breitbart, Cernovich, MSNBC, NYTimes, WaPo, MoJo, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, Chris Hayes, Chris Matthews, Ezra Klein, Sean Hannity, Tomi Lahren…but we’re suppose to believe that Russian bots were somehow working against Hillary. It’s insulting that people are buying into this outrageous claim, yet Mueller fails to mention this. However, I can’t think of a better way to spread propaganda and fake news, than retweeting Joy Reid, but it definitely would have been in an effort to help Hillary rather than to hurt her as being alleged.
In Friday’s indictment filed by Robert Mueller, he outlines the supposed lengths that Russia went to enlist online trolls to supposedly inflame black people during the 2016 election. However, nowhere in his indictment did he mention where then FBI Director James Comey, set off a firestorm of his own by repeatedly pushing what he called “The Ferguson Effect”, where Comey sites less eggressive policing was due to police fears of being caught on cameras and viral videos, and ultimately lead to a rise in crime. The only inflaming of black people that was actively being done, was at the hands of police and the ignoring them by the democratic party…you can’t blame Russia for the murders of Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Mike Brown, Sandra Bland, John Crawford, Anthony Hill, Laquan McDonald, Philando Castile, Walter Scott, Rekia Boyd, Freddie Gray, Terence Crutcher, Oscar Grant, Kajieme Powell and a plethora of others from 2009–2016. It’s embarrassing seeing that black people are now all in bed with supporting the FBI, or any system of US intelligence, after the history of their roles in the destruction/systemic suppression of African America and Black and Brown people the world over. It’s also amazing that Mueller found nothing wrong with Obama being caught on a hot mic in 2012, pledging his support to Russia, after his re-election. The duopoly’s con game and using identity and racism as weapons, are real…and the below video does not lie.
The United States’ ugly history of McCarthyism and Red Scare tactics are long and sorbid, their attempts to destroy black activists who have fought for systemic change for African Americans and Black people worldwide is legendary. The democratically elected, Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo, Patrice Lumumba was assasinated by the CIA and Belgium governments. Lumumba reached out to Russia for help in freeing his people from Belgium rule, after first being denied assistance by the US government lead by Dwight D. Eisenhower. Lumumba was labeled by the US and Belgium governments, a Communist because he dared fight for freedom for his people…does this tactic sound familiar? One of my favorite books is, King Leopold’s Ghost…it outlines the horrific story of King Leopold of Belgium’s terrorizing of the Republic of the Congo between 1885–1908 but how dare someone like Lumumba fight to take back what was rightfully theirs and to somehow right those wrongs…below is a Russian stamp commemorated in memory of Patrice Lumumba in 1961.
As I said in the beginning of this article, what’s old is now new, and what was once the GOP is now known as the Democratic Party. The same tactics that were used by Eisenhower against Patrice Lumumba by republican lead US/CIA and Beligum governments, were used to take down Muammar Gaddfafi for the very same reasons (freeing Africa from European/Western control via using Gold as its official currency instead of the dinar), only this time it was done by democrats and a black US President.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach