Shannon Sharpe has the Nerve to Attack Omarosa’s Looks, When He Won’t Even Date a Black woman!!!
This has got to be the most Shannon Sharpe has ever looked at a Black woman. The fact that so many people are praising and laughing with him on this is shameful. Whether you like Omarosa or not, Shannon doesn’t get to drag a Black woman and mock her looks, when he won’t even date a Black woman. It’s also insulting that he mocks Omarosa in tweets saying she won’t be allowed at a Black family picnic, when most Black southern families where he’s from would probably have a problem with him bringing this average, and basic looking white woman he’s dating home to theirs. And for the record, Shannon has not dated a Black woman since he was forced to date them at all Black Savannah State, as soon as he made it to the NFL, he refused to even look at one. It was a known fact in circles in Atlanta where he lived before getting this new gig, that Shannon not only didn’t date Black women but he also never frequented Black spaces or events. #Facts
As for those of you who question why Omarosa worked for a man that she says was racist, should also use that same logic in questioning the plethora of #MeToo white women who ran to Weinstein for employment, when they knew his reputation of bedding his actresses for said employment/access and fame. What’s even funnier is that many of you attacking her and questioning why she went to work for a racist, actually go to work everyday for one for pennies on the dollar, and if you worked a lifetime you would never have the access to money and power that Omarosa carved out for herself.
Also for the record, Shannon Sharpe was a member of my health club in Atlanta, and I witnessed first hand how dismissive he was with Black women, but would break his neck to lap up any white woman who crossed his path. I’ve seen Shannon go out of his way NOT to speak to Black women but would make it a point to grin when a random white woman approached him. Allow me to be very clear, I don’t care who Shannon dates but he doesn’t get to mock a Black woman’s looks by saying she’s trying to be white, when the only shades of a woman he prefers are white.
Someone should remind Shannon that his former girlfriend, Michelle Bundy accused him of rape and threatening to kill her in 2010. #MeToo
Someone should also tell Shannon he doesn’t have to worry, Omarosa will never be as white as his fiancé, nor all of the other white women I’ve seen him with over the years.
It’s very shameful that Black women who love to complain about Black men attacking Black women, would find Shannon’s comments laughable just because their plantation mind control (Stockholm syndrome) and love for the democrats told them to. He’s only mocking her because he actually has no respect for Black women, yet many of you think because he plays this pro-black loud mouth ex-football jock that’s paid to do a jig, that he really gives a damn about Black people.
Shannon doesn’t actually have respect for women, especially when he can’t control them. So, Omarosa would never be respected or praised by him no matter how light he claims she’s trying to get, nor her political stance, because a powerful woman with a voice and an opinion of her own, would be too much for Mr. Macho Sharpe…he prefers weak Becky’s with the good hair. Also, for all of you who are giving Sharpe a high five and praising his attacks, Shannon doesn’t even engage Black people, nor frequent Black spaces or events. When is the last time you’ve seen a picture on the internet of Sharpe attending anything that’s all Black,
Lastly, I’m not sure that Omarosa’s tell-all was strategically a good idea but the same media, celebrity, and liberal pundits who are attacking her, are the same people who elevated trashy Stormy Daniels to fame and fortune, simply because she chose to turn against Trump (the passive racism of white liberals never ceases to amaze me)…not to mention the slew of white men (who didn’t even have the access that Omarosa had) who’ve left the white house and are now being paid handsomely for their salacious stories and punditry.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach