Shaun King does a very Deep State move by Offering $100K, After Being Accused of Defending the Deep State…
Shaun King in an effort to deflect the many stories recently criticizing and exposing his defense of the US Intelligence Agencies, decides to do a very Deep State (US Intelligence Agency) move by offering a supposed $100,000 reward for the below white man’s identity. What is also puzzling is why now when this happened a year ago, not to mention the many other racist attacks that have occurred since then that have not led to charges or even arrests. Shaun knows that this guy has already been identified and that he will never have to pay the money he is offering. He also knows this is the perfect deflection.
What better way to deflect from the many articles and complaints that have been levied against his recent lust and support of US Intelligence Agencies? This tactic of deflection has been used by both political parties and the Deep State for decades. The real question should be where is he getting $100,000 to even offer a reward, not to mention the fact that he offered $10,000 in 2015 to anyone willing to take down the confederate flag that never materialized.
What’s even more damning is that King labeled the Black Agenda Report as Russian fake news, and also questioned who they were after they wrote a scathing critique of him. It goes without saying that anyone claiming to be about Black power and activism, should know who Black Agenda Report is and their powerful ‘real’ resistance against US imperialism and systemic racism. Shaun King calling them Russian fake news was a calling card to liberals for his defense, because no progressive or real Black activist would ever make such a ridiculous claim. Glen Barr, Bruce Dixon and Margaret Kimberly have been powerful voices behind Black Agenda Report for over a decade. So, for Shaun to even claim to not know who they are is laughable, if not insulting.
It’s also interesting that he chose calling them Russian fake news, yet when I was thrown off of Twitter and accused of being a Russian bot; Shaun was asked by a few people to write about my story, after several emails back and forth, he chose not to. He was given several prominent people as references for support of me but he refused to speak with them and ultimately refused to write about it, and this was during the height of all the Russian bot conspiracies on twitter. It’s very clear now why he chose not to…he’s gone full blown Russia conspiracy and Macarthyism.
I repeat: There are many real and prominent activists who are now calling Shaun King and Deray out. Shaun is losing his audience and control, so what better way to gain back control than the deflection with this amount of money that no one will ever see.
The fact that Shaun can even spew this story about Russia with a straight face is laughable, when he was once a large critic of Democrats rigging the primaries against Hillary. It’s clear that Shaun gets his talking points from the people who now write his checks and anyone who believes otherwise are fools.
This new move of Shaun’s is to deflect from being exposed for the con man that he is. The article that Black Agenda Report wrote about Shaun was factual (as well as the one that I wrote a few weeks ago) and since Shaun’s all out attack of it and calling them Russian fake news garnered pushback from some very prominent ‘REAL’ Black activists (a few that I’ve posted in tweets above), Shaun and his Deep State handlers came up with the $100,000 deflection. What’s even more insidious is that liberals and their deep state buddies, would have us all to believe that the Russia/Putin had bots who actually tweeted the type of stories that King is famous for…
now let that sink in, if Russia can be accused of paying people or bots to report the same stories that King is famous for, then who’s paying him? Call me when he delivers that payment to someone who’s not also a paid operative for the deep state, it’s all a LIE.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach