Shaun King Tweets Non-Stop Support of the FBI, on Assata Shakur’s Birthday…
Shaun King, the supposed blackest ‘black’ activist against police brutality, spent Assata Shakur’s birthday (July16) defending the US Intelligence community aka the police. You know the same people who have spied and killed African and Middle Eastern leaders around the globe. The same intelligence groups who had MLK assasinated and countless of Black activists wrongly imprisoned or killed for decades, and the same intelligence that called Black Lives Matters a threat and coined the term, “Ferguson Effect.” The same people who said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, you know the weapons they had actually given them years before. The irony of that would be laughable if it were not so dangerous and shameful. It should also be an eyeopener to the paid operative and fraud that he clearly is. Rich white people don’t donate almost a million dollars to Black organizations, unless you’re a willing participant in their wars against Black people. Shaun King being given $650,000 by one of facebook’s founders wives should have rang a bell for all, an acknowledgement that only came to light when the woman filed her tax disclosures. What’s laughable, is that the money was supposedly for Shaun King’s anti-police PAC…now please allow that to sink in. In actuality Shaun ‘Dolezal’ King, should have lost his black card long ago.
Shaun couldn’t be bothered to acknowledge that yesterday was Assata’s birthday, because he was too busy pushing Russia hysteria for his new pay masters. A cursory view of Shaun’s twitter page showed hours of nonstop Russia mania & pro Intelligence/Police support against Trump, but not one word of acknowledgement of Assata Shakur. Yes, Shaun King the supposed ‘Black’ activist who’s made his fortune on exposing police violence and corruption, spent Assata Shakur’s birthday defending the police. The same police agencies who framed her and placed her on America’s Most Wanted Terrorist List. FYI: this placement was also done by Obama’s FBI (the same people he’s now defending).
Shaun says that Trump’s refusal to back US Intelligences Russia claims, were somehow the lowest moments in modern American presidential history. Although, I’m sure bombing Iraq (US Intel’s fraud Weapon’s of Mass Destruction claim, to promote the same corporate war profiteers who are pushing Russia hysteria and drumbeats for war), and mass murdering of millions of Iraqi’s, having an sitting African president murdered, Droning 7 Black & Brown countries after receiving a Nobel Peace Prize, Mass Incarceration, Syria, Libya’s slave trade, backing Israel’s apartheid etc., somehow all come to mind long before Trump denouncing US Intel.
The US Government has no leg to stand on when it comes to spying, election interference and/or overthrowing governments. However, any supposed Black activist defending FBI, CIA etc., are not activists but paid cointelpro sponsors of white supremacy. There is no justification for people like Shaun King and Bree Newsome being outraged by Trump’s words against US Intelligence. It’s laughable that these very people have risen to fame from doing the very thing that Trump is accused of, denouncing US Intelligence communities. Bree Newsome’s tweet below is pathetic, yet the same hypocrisy she’s ranting against in her tweet, was clearly her position on all of Obama’s corruption. I never saw Newsome protest Obama’s bombing and droning, nor his separation of parents of migrants/illegals…and she damn sure didn’t say shit when Obama deported more African and Haitians than any former presidents before him (but Trump), her feigning outrage now is why I don’t take her, Shaun and others like them serious..but I digress. Image the pole climbing Bree Newsome upset over a supposed un-doing of the Western Alliances (NATO), the collaboration of European (White) countries whose sole purpose is the bombing, annihilation, and/or colonization of Black & Brown countries the world over??
Assata Shakur was born on July 16, 1947 as Joanne Deborah Chesimard (and was a former member of the Black Panthers and Black Liberation Army. She was accused in 1973 for ‘aiding and abetting’ and first degree murder of a NJ State Trooper W. Foerster.
She was acquitted on three of the charges and three were dismissed. In 1977, she was convicted of the murder of Foerster (under New Jersey law the prosecution did not need to prove that Shakur fired the shots that killed either Foerster or Zayd Shakur) and of seven other felonies related to the shootout, in a trial her supporters argue was unfair. In November of 1979 she escaped prison and fled to Cuba.
“Assata is not a threat,” scholar and activist Angela Davis, who herself once occupied a spot on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted Fugitives list, told Democracy Now! “If anything, this is a vendetta.”
The United States doesn’t like to lose and holds a hell of a grudge. This goes beyond J. Edgar Hoover’s declaring the Black Panther Party the “greatest threat to the internal security of the country” and vowing to eradicate them. This is the fate of anyone, particularly those with black and brown skin, who holds views deemed anti-American — which for them only reflect their status as an oppressed people (there’s controversy in asserting that all people deserve the right to food, clothing and shelter). Because what of her actions qualifies Shakur as a terrorist? ~The Nation: Assata Is Not A Terrorist
Shakur has lived in Cuba since 1984, despite US government efforts to have her returned. The FBI under the Obama Administration, added her to its list of most-wanted terrorists as Joanne Deborah Chesimard, making her the first woman to covet that list.
Shaun King, Bree Newsome, Deray and many more like them, have used murders and oppression of Black lives and activists like Assata to rise to prominence in this digital age. It’s unfortunate that words like #BlackLivesMatter, #ICantBreath, #AssataTaughtMe, or only means to an end for these people…a clever con game of old, wrapped in new age hashtags, ramping up anger and fears, while they all profit from the very people and systems that oppresses us.
UPDATE: After Shaun King says that Trump not listening to US Intelligence was the lowest day in US modern presidential history…four days later, Shaun tweets that he has no faith in the Justice System and that it must be torn down. These are the people that y’all are calling your heroes and are being paid to lead Black people….SMDH!!!
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach