Sheila Jackson-Lee’s Shameful use of Eric Garner as a Prop in Jeff Sessions Hearings
The Congressional Black Caucus and its members have no shame in using the murders of black men and women by police as props to push whatever hot agenda is on the horizon. The fiery and prop-filled exchange today with AG Sessions, never happened against AG Holder or Lynch in discussing why police were not held accountable in Eric Garner’s murder or the many other African Americans murdered by police under Obama’s watch . We will never see a sit in by the CBC for the many murders of black fathers, sons and daughters who were slaughtered by police over the past 8yrs. However, anytime there is a need to rile up black folk and get us all emotionally blinded by cries of racist whites (and don’t forget Russia), the CBC and their willing mascots are called up to the front line by Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and their corporate owned sponsors.
The Democratic Party has been allowed to hide behind this continued farce about Russia to ignore their lack of policy and more importantly their own role in Russia and election tampering. The level of hypocrisy is mind-blowing, Clinton Campaign can pay millions for online trolls via their resident racist in charge, David Brock, all while rigging the primaries, buy the DNC and Super Delegates…Hillary Clinton can sign a deal that gives 20% of US Uranium to Russia, Bill Clinton can then get a $500K speech and the Clinton Foundation, immediately receives over $145M from Russia…we then find out that it was Hillary & Obama who paid millions to Russia operatives for intel on Trump but we’re so politically partisan and blind that rather than demand justice from both sides of the isle, we continue to allow Democrats to make fools of us all. The monies spent by Democrats playing Russiagate to continue to deflect from real policies and accountability, could put a dent in US poverty.
Jeff Sessions and the Trump administration have many issues that need to be addressed, the intel reports against Black Lives Matter and nothing against the racist Alt-Right is a concern for us all. However, where was Sheila Jackson-Lee and the Congressional Black Caucus after James Comey’s horrific “Ferguson Effect” report that denounced putting police under a microscope for their crimes? Where were the congressional hearings to question his racist theory? Where are the CBC and so-called Black leaders now, when African American Activists are being labeled accomplices with Russia, the same McCarthyesque tactics that were leveled in the 50’s to silence dissent…the same tactics that were waged against Martin Luther King, Jr., not to mention the recent salacious report that came out of Kennedy papers about him?
If Sheila Jackson-Lee, Maxine Waters and others from the CBC were interested in demanding change for policies that affect African Americans (same policies they ignored under Obama), then playing circus clowns and mascots for Dem Establishment and their corporate sponsors is not the way to achieve that. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were quick to meet with Trump Administration when they wanted change on DACA, their latest political identity politics. Yet as African Americans we have gotten nothing but meaningless statues, Mccarthyism attacks and blatant lies.
I watched the pain and hurt of Erica Garner throughout the last several years after her father's murder. I watched live when she was treated with disdain and a prop by the Obama administration and ABC, while appearing on a Townhall. I’ve followed her over the past several years as she fought tirelessly to bring justice to her father and closure for her family…a young woman who was thrown into the limelight to fight for justice for her father…a young woman who should have been allowed to share her father with her children instead of having to fight to avenge his murder. I’ve watched her fight seemingly alone against the Obama and Clinton campaign. No one ever addressed Kamala Harris’ niece, Maya Harris’ email that was exposed within wikileaks…how she also was using the murders of African Americans by police as props but was quick to discount Eric Garner’s murder because according to her, “he wasn’t killed by gun violence”…
Sheila Jackson-Lee’s use of her father today as a prop for her corporate owners and dem establishment, was a bridge too far and should not be allowed or dismissed. Has Sheila Jackson-Lee or the CBC & DNC pushed for hearings or demanded justice for Eric Garner? Will the CBC, DeBlasio, or Sharpton push to finally get justice for the Garner family? Even after this years findings by the New York Civilians Reviewboard that found at least two complaints against the office who murdered Eric Garner, the justice department has still not completed its findings and the officer involved is still on NYPD’s payroll.
We can hold Jeff Sessions and the Trump administration accountable without allowing the CBC and the DNC a pass, or more importantly, without allowing them to use Black people and our emotions as weapons and props to keep us emotionally enslaved to the Democratic Party.
From Russia With Love,