So You’re Defending Women Lying About Rape Out of Revenge???

3 min readSep 29, 2018

Signme Uplease, you really are uninformed and completely incapable of basic comprehension.

  1. NO where in my article did I declare that men didn’t lie, I was clear that it is dangerous and a LIE for democrats to claim that ALL ‘SURVIVORS’ should be believed and that women don’t lie about sexual assault or rape. And we all know that they don’t even believe that b/c if they did they would have kicked Bill Clinton’s rapey a$$ out of the party long ago…along with creepy and touchy Joe Biden….They also wouldn’t have a $17M slush fund (tax payer money) set aside to pay off women who accuse Dem politicians of workplace sexual harassment and more.

2. Your point about fossil fuel and climate change is rather laughable when Hillary was the ‘fracking queen’…

3. Porn: You’re really all over the place but perhaps you should check with the democratic party and feminists, they seem to think that slut shaming is at an all time high and their new champion of the RESISTANCE, is a washed out porn star “Stormy Daniels”…

4. And the biggest joke of all is your last statement that said women don’t take down countries: ROTFLMAO


Here’s a little history lesson for you:

I guess you also haven’t heard how Hillary Clinton destroyed Libya???? White women have ruled the world for centuries and have also been behind some of the most hideous acts of genocide and colonization. What white feminists here in America are angered about is that they were not able to replace the rich white Patriarchy (that they all enjoy behind their beautifully gated communities), for the Matriarchy of a rich white woman…that’s their ultimate goal and nothing more. Women in power have shown that they are just as depraved and just as maniacal as men…what people like you don’t get is that all of this is about power and who is able to maintain it for the 1%….and RICH white women are just as vile and even more dangerous than any white man will ever be…because they hide behind feminism and have weaponized their gender to fool people like you into believing that they have been wronged and in need of protecting…when it’s the world who needs protecting from them…

FYI: There’s the little forgotten art, called reading…I do it often, perhaps you should try it before coming in my blog to attempt to chastise me. And here’s Queen Hillary on rape and believing the victims…🤔

I’m really sorry that it’s clear that some man has hurt you in your lifetime but WHITE WOMEN LIE…ALL WOMEN LIE, ALL PEOPLE LIE…

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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