So Scarlett Johansson Can’t Play a Transgender Male, but Straight Black Men are Destroyed if They Refuse A Gay Role…

3 min readJul 7, 2018


Reading the hooplah about Scarlett Johansson playing the role of a transgender male, makes me want to shout with praise in support of her. The bold hypocrisy of liberals has got to be at record levels. The #LGBTQ, #MeToo, #Resistance and #PussyHat crowds have really gotten their heads in a cloud. The idea that they and they alone controls and determines what the world should be and what others should and should not do, is why we have Trump.

To think that people are actually upset that someone chooses to play a role that is not who they are in real life (hmmm it’s called acting), and that that role should actually go to an actor who actually identifies as that character in real life is a novel idea (lol). Yet straight Black men are pushed daily to play roles of gay Black men, and have often been threatened and/or boycotted for refusing to do so. The emasculation of Black men is not only big business in AmeriKKKa, it’s big box office revenues and a required right of passage for many Black men to stay in Hollyweird. There are a plethora of gay Black men in Hollyweird, so why not choose them in those rolls instead of the constant purposed emasculation of those who are not? Why haven’t we seen protests and attacks from LGBTQ when straight Black men are cast in gay roles?

Nate Parker’s (Birth of A Nation) attacks didn’t come about until he stated he would never play a role as a gay man. Parker had worked in Hollywood for years, his story of a rape allegation while a student at Penn State had long since been discussed and buried. However, the moment he made that statement, the LGBTQ & Feminazi’s, came for his throat and ultimately destroyed his movie.

“I refuse to allow any piece of work to emasculate me for very specific reasons,” he told an interviewer at the Essence Music Festival. “That kind of shrinks the pool of available material, but the material that I am blessed to do is material that I can be proud of, that my kids can watch, that my grandmother can watch. And I think that those are the things that over time create legacies.”~ Nate Parker

Black men have long since been forced to play roles as homosexuals and adorning dresses and wigs, emasculating themselves for a paycheck…no different than what Terry Crews accepted with his faux #MeToo cries that he knew would garner him more roles and instant Hollywood love. In his own words Crews claims he didn’t fight back out of fear of losing his career…so in essence, he would do a lot more and go even further if it were suggested in order to keep his career…I digress.

Dave Chappelle spoke in great detail about his refusal to wear a dress, and though it may have caused him some original backlash and loss of income; he has came back strong by standing up for his manhood and what he believes.

So, anyone crying tears about Scarlett Johannson playing a role as a transgender can miss me with their hypocrisy, because these same people are the first ones to attack a straight Black man who refuses to play a woman.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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