Thank you and someone shared that with me when she posted it. I was a little confused though that she seemed to not defend her stance or mine. Some hidden person from something called @BlackTalkRadio questioned when King had ever mentioned the FBI, it was astonishing that he didn’t know that the Intelligence Agencies are comprised of the FBI. He also went on to defend King to Margaret by saying that he had defended Assata before when my point was not that he had never defended Assata but that on her bday, he did not acknowledge it was her bday when many online black activists had done so, but instead spent the entire day attacking Trump in defense of the Intelligence Agencies and how Trump’s words agnst the IA was the lowest point in history for America etc….not that Margaret needed to defend me but it was a little disheartening to read her replies in support of the rhetoric this person was saying…he/she was so upset abt this that he continued to tweet abt it. The person also took issue with my calling mocking King abt his supposed ethnic makeup. I stand by what I wrote and don’t know who this person is hiding behind that avi but anyone defending King is a fool, shill, fraud or all three IMO.