Thank you Michael for supporting me but more importantly for your writing this article of clarity. What I find laughable even if true about this entire drama on voting is that all of these same fake disgruntled people including that nut job Talib, spent a lot of time defending Colin Kaepernick, who does NOT vote and no one had an issue with his protest and choice not to vote. Talib lies and runs his mouth so much and supports whoever is paying him that he forgets who past stances. As my grandmother use to say, a liar needs a secretary to keep up with all of their lies. #Receipts
Hereâs the Twitter link and a snapshot. Iâm sure it was missed since he NEVER gets real engagement with all of those paid for followersđ
Kaepernick wasnât attacked and undermined during the very important 2016 election for not advocating that black ppl vote. Instead he was worshipped (wrongly in my opinion) and given a national platform to do so. People like Talib are carrying water for the Dem elite and are pedaling the same lie theyâve been pedaling since 2016, that the world came to an end for black ppl when trump got elected, racism didnât start until thenâŚwhen we all know that this system of injustice has always been alive and well for centuries, but this story keeps liberals hands clean and their role in systemic racism unchecked or challenged.
The same people who are also ranting and mad that ADOS uses the American flag, are also the same ones who are quick to tell you that our ancestors died for our rights to vote. Doesnât voting also mean being a part of US system and didnât our ancestors also die for the right to fly that flag? The hypocrisy and stupidity is astounding. My father was a veteran who died and whoâs casket was draped with the American flag, military salute and allâŚthey can kiss black a$$ about the flag. Kaepernicks five minutes of attention that yielded nothing other than his elevation, wonât erase what my father and other black men went through to defend it.
these ppl are all hypocrites, frauds, gatekeepers, trolls and foot soldiers for the dem establishment and nothing more, EVERYTHING theyâve said has been exposed as a LIE . Anyone saying that NCOBRA and other dead, dormant and irrelevant groups like them, are who we should be listening to must either be a fool or take us all for fools (or an agent). These groups are paid to achieve just what theyâve been doing for decadesâŚN O T H I N GâŚ.
Charlie Peachđ
Talib on Kaepernick and Nike profiting from his jersey sales but ADOS selling a T-shirt is an issue for him.