The Case For Term Limits

3 min readNov 26, 2017


Nothing can be more compelling than seeing the faces of both GOP & Democrats who Lord over US politics on Capitol Hill and realizing the need for term limits. Faces of men and women, black and white, who’ve been in office way past their expiration dates and long after they’ve sold out their constituents to their corporate owners/donors.

It was pathetic to see John McCain, sick old and senile shown this week wearing a brace in two different photos, on opposite legs. This is a clear abuse of power and disturbing display of arrogance to continue to hold a position as powerful as US Senator (making laws), by someone who is obviously suffering from dementia or effects of brain cancer. Either way, John McCain should have been forced to resign long ago, yet we can not expect that Congress will push laws to hold themselves accountable and term limits would never be something they would allow unless we demand it.

Nancy Pelosi who thinks being a so-called ‘icon’ shields you from criticism or the law. John Conyers, who like many others who have sold out African American communities, only remains in office because of Black voter ignorance/loyalty, name recognition and gentrification. His wife Monica’s guilty plea for bribery should have called into question his role and ended any chances of being allowed on the Judiciary Committee, not to mention its prestigious Ranking Member status.

It wasn’t enough to hear that John Conyers used taxpayers money to pay off alleged sexual misconducts and silence his accusers, nor learning of the extensive and lengthy processes that an accuser must go through to even garner any action from Congress. This process bytheway, is widely accepted by democratic women in congress…the champions of women.

US Rep John Conyers

Democratic House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi, who calls herself a feminist and fighter for women, has willingly accepted this process and not only dismissed the women who accused John Conyers of decades of sexual assaults and misconduct but challenged anyone if they even knew their names. She wants us to except the bogus investigation that Congress has in place to police their own. Nancy stated on Meet the Press today, loudly and arrogantly what an icon John Conyers is and a fighter for women. Her words were outrageously tone deaf but also an insult to the many women & men who are living with the horrors of sexual assault.

Now only hours after Pelosi makes and absolute fool of herself on national TV, John Conyers announces that he is stepping down as Ranking Member of House Judiciary Committee. This enables Pelosi and Democrats to continue to hide and cover up the internal corruption of Democratic Establishment and gives her a temporary pause from the onslaught of attacks she’s received for her embarrassing interview.

However, Nancy Pelosi’s statements today should not be overlooked or taken lightly; everything she stated in covering up for the sexual allegations against John Conyers, is the same things she and other democrats have done for decades in covering up for the many sexual allegations and rapes of Bill Clinton.

Nancy Pelosi Struggling on MTP in 1998 to defend Bill Clinton

Make no mistake, Nancy Pelosi calling John Conyers an ‘Icon’ and a fighter for women and deserving of due process after using taxpayer monies to pay off alleged sexual assault victims, is no different than democrats and faux feminists like Gloria Steinem who defended and supported Bill Clinton and his decades of sexual predatory behavior in 1998 and even now. It’s all about ‘power’ & money, rich white women in power are no different than rich white men when it comes to protecting it. Nancy Pelosi and the life politicians on both sides of the isles must go and a push for term limits should be the next call from anyone who cares about true democracy.

From Russia With Love,





Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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