The DNC Was A Cash Clearing House For Clinton Loyalists
Much has been written and said about the allegations exposed in Donna Brazile’s new book, Hacked. There are many parallels that can be drawn as to what lead Donna to expose the inner workings of what was once lauded as the people's party. I won’t try to speak for her, for it truly is her time to reclaim and her voice to be heard.
However, what’s been missing is the obvious truth of what really happened (Hillary book title pun unintended) and how the Hillary Campaign and DWS over the past 8yrs, were able to use the DNC to literally launder money and pay unnecessarily high salaries and fees to their friends and families. We were told repeatedly over the past 8yrs that the only reason DWS was allowed to stay on as Chair after so many democratic losses across the US, was because of her ability to raise money and that she had raised millions for the DNC.
As I’ve mentioned before, DWS’s position within the DNC was part of a deal made with Hillary and her campaign in 08 after Obama’s win. Obama in a concession to appease the very vile and racist PUMA’s who were refusing to accept Hillary’s loss, agreed to appointing Hillary to SoS and DWS to Chair of DNC and also to give full reign to the Hillary Campaign as a path to position themselves for 2016. The Clinton Machine was in full power, yet 2014 showed them that their tactics were not working and running against Obama was going to be a disastrous agenda, the women who used feminism and anti-Obama across the US all lost…hence the change in plan in 2015 to run Hillary as Obama 2.0, another major backfire giving the current climate had changed tremendously against Obama since he came into power under Hope & Change.
Donna spoke of the over bloated staff that was in place year round, the paid for SUV, chauffeur, bodyguard and unlimited consultants that were allotted to DWS. It was also exposed over the last few months that Hillary Clinton’s Campaign was top heavy in Senior Leadership titles and overpaid consultants. The Hillary Victory Fund was a funding giant that was clearly against campaign finance laws, with celebrities like George Clooney defending it claiming that the states would receive a large percentage of the monies raised…none of this was true.
What’s clear is that the so-called Clinton Machine has been nothing but a billion dollar scam to take money from poor constituents to support women like Human Abedin who carries $15K Berkin Bags and arrogantly shows off her million dollar wardrobe, most of it paid for by bilking and fleecing unsuspecting constituents who send their hard earned money to DNC in hopes of getting their voices heard and their candidates in place.
In Hacked, Donna speaks of Robby Mook who surrounded himself with white men. I questioned the number of white men in top positions running Hillary’s Campaign long ago to deaf ears. How does a woman campaign on feminism & anti-white males yet doesn’t have her top campaign manager and management, female? I say this with sarcasm because I find everything related to feminism and Hillary Clinton to be an insult…but that’s another story.
African American’s have carried the DNC for decades, we have voted in mass for our own destruction. Only a select few of the Bourgeoisie class of Negroliberals, have been given access or funding from the DNC. Not only have they not returned our votes in policy but they’ve also not done so in deeds. Shaun King did a story earlier this year that also exposed the hiring practices of Democrats on the hill and how AA’s were not given top positions.
African American women have gleefully bragged of their votes for Hillary and support of the DNC. This type of blind loyalty is another cancer that’s killing our people. What should be pushed is a forensic investigation into all of the DNC’s finances and where exactly the millions of dollars went that hard working Americans paid to them.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what has occurred within the DNC and the hypocrisy of who they really are. The decades of voting democrats has yielded nothing for African American’s, the verification of that can be seen in every black city across the US, all ran by Democrats for decades and often times in the Gubernatorial houses as well.
It’s up to us to finally decide to hold them accountable or continue to allow them to use Trump and Russia as a dog whistle to both get away with their own mass corruption or as an excuse to continue business as usual.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach