The LIEs and Whitewashing of Richard B. Russell vs. John McCain…

5 min readAug 28, 2018


Liberals and Conservatives are claiming their desire to change the current senate building from Richard B. Russell to that of John McCain, is because of Russell’s Segregationist past. When in fact McCain shared many of Russell’s views and beliefs. What’s also interesting is that feminists and Black women in particular have sat silent with this ‘Patriarchal’ replacement of a 19th Century White Racist for a 21st Century one. If replacing racist symbols is the goal here, then John McCain is the wrong person to even begin to consider.

U.S. Senator’s Richard B. Russell & John McCain

“In 1990, McCain was one of the deciding votes in helping then-President George H.W. Bush sustain a veto against the relatively benign Civil Rights Act of 1990. In doing so, the senator found himself at odds with majorities in both chambers of Congress, most senior African Americans within the Bush administration, and the Republican-led U.S. Civil Rights Commission. He also helped Bush became the first president ever to successfully veto a civil rights measure — Andrew Johnson in 1866 and Ronald Reagan in 1988 both had vetoes overridden. The act was a response to a series of controversial Supreme Court decisions made the year before. In those decisions, the court overturned a 1971 ruling that required employers to prove a “business necessity” for screening out minorities and women in its hiring practices.

That burden of proof, the 1989 court said, should instead be placed on the plaintiff who alleged that his or her client had been unlawfully screened. Both the House of Representatives and the Senate, deeming this unjust, passed bills that would restore the old law. But the Bush administration objected, insisting that a reversion to the old way would amount to forcing employers to have hiring quotas. It was a controversial and somewhat dubious claim, one that the New York Times editorial page called “an unjustified charge.” After all, the system had worked fine from 1971 through 1989. Nevertheless, the president vetoed the legislation. When a motion to override the veto came to the Senate floor, there was question as to whether it would receive the 67 votes needed to pass. The environment was so charged that white supremacist David Duke watched from one section of the Senate gallery while civil rights leader Jesse Jackson stood briefly at the chamber’s other end.”

“McCain repeatedly voted against civil rights policy and the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday in the ’80s and ’90s. He also supported removing the MLK holiday in his home state of Arizona. (Public Enemy even made a song about it). However, when the political winds changed and MLK evolved from being a radical communist to a cuddly civil rights Pokemon for white American conservatives, McCain was quick to change his tune as well. So much for heroically standing on principle (it’s also worth noting he was running against Obama at the time). McCain employed white supremacist, Confederacy-loving historical revisionist Richard Quinn throughout his campaign for president in 2000.”~Jason Johnson — The Root

The attempt to whitewash who McCain was has grown to epic levels of political noise and even parody. The biggest joke has been how liberal media and celebrities have pushed McCain’s defense of Obama during one of his campaign stops, as the end all be all to his sanctimonious rise. When in fact, that statement showed what a racist he really was, not to mention his only doing so because he was taking a beating in the polls for his racist campaign.

The twitter profile of this person above states that he is a historian. Yet, at no time during the course of this exchange was he compelled to mention McCain’s racist votes and past. I’m also confused why he’s implying that it’s awful that the GOP aren’t all in line with John McCain, when the real question should be why are democrats all singing praises for McCain! He’s attempting to make the argument that the GOP are more in line with racist as though McCain was not one. Joshua the ‘historian’ is also leaving out the fact that Hillary Clinton praised KKK head dragon, Robert Byrd as a ‘True American Original’…and a mentor. Clinton’s terms, ‘American Original’ and ‘Mentor’ should have given all Black people pause. The duopoly is good at playing games of who’s the bigger racist when it benefits them. They’ve gotten quite good at who’s turn is it next to cry racist. The reality is that the 21st Century democrats are now more in line with McCain and his racist and warmongering views, and that should be the disturbing factor in all of this. Liberals will be praising Jeff Sessions again, as long as he’s opposed by Trump, and they will rally up all of their sold out and paid off negroes to help them.

I find this all insulting, when in reality both parties love their racists and both parties pander to them in different ways. Chuck Schumer announcing his intent to push for renaming of RBR building to McCain, is merely his way of paying back his friend who helped continue his Zionist wars.

Richard B. Russell Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse in Atlanta, Ga

Lastly, if democrats are so eager to change the names of buildings because of their racist name bearers, then they will also need to rename the Richard B. Russell Federal Building here in Atlanta (shown above), and I’m still waiting on them to go after the J. Edgar Hoover Building in D.C..

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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