The Myth of The New Democratic Party…
Charles Blow like the character Stephen in DeJango, writes a very non sequitur op-ed for his owners, both the DNC & NYT’s. In this fairytale, Blow continues the Russia stole my emails (technically incorrect) propaganda and lie, when the truth is for the one millionth time, that they were actually leaked…and somewhere between Seth Rich & Anwar Brothers, lies the truth.
Blow has no problem with the Mccarthyism tactics that are being used against African Americans or anyone who doesn’t bow to DNC’s Globalist agendas & NWO. He’s all to willing to continue the Russian spin because his checks will continue to flow. He has no care for the decades of mass incarceration & oppression of black people at the hands of the Democratic Party. He has no care for the impact and suppression of free speech that Google, FB & Twitter are pushing against all of those not furthering their Globalist and 1% agendas. The young black child in Flynt, Baltimore, Michigan etc., mean nothing now to the Bourgeoisie Class of the Negroliberals like Charles Blow.
Like the good little Negro that Blow has become, he like many others are being pushed to write a story as quickly as possible to ensure that the revolt of black folk and others aren’t substantial. These little helpers and worker bees have rallied together to protect their Queen Hillary. Blow claims there is this New Democratic Party that has somehow risen out of the ashes of a party that has never been held accountable for its corruption. However, you can not rebuild a house without first tearing it down, you can not rebuild that same house with the same old termite infested, worn out boards and appliances that created the instability of that house and claim you have now built a new house.
Charles Blow asserts that perhaps Donna’s intent was to burn down the house in order to save it…what’s missing from this is that Blow could’ve easily interviewed Brazile first if he really wanted that answer. However, speaking to Donna on record and making factual statements given by her was not what Charles was after, his only intent was to throw water on her fire and create a new storyline and hashtag for Neoliberals fresh and ready for the week ahead. There is NO Resistance, there is NO New Democratic Party…what Democrats have done is to RESIST change and all things NEW in order to uphold the status quo and money train for a select few.
Tom Perez made that very clear on his recent DNC Chair committee appointees, all of the Progressive candidates were removed and all those loyal to Hillary Clinton, Wall Street and democratic establishment were elevated. Progressives who had fought for decades for the least of us, were replaced with Wall Street Lobbyist, those who supported Hillary during the primaries were given safe spaces. After all these people needed placement somewhere, since Hillary lost and couldn’t make good on the many promises she’d made.
The DNC needed to keep in place those who would further their corruption without concern or question. They knew that if they wanted to continue their scams going forward they needed to clean house of all those not part of the Dem Establishment. This level of blatant hypocrisy is part and parcel to what Donna Brazile alleged in her new book. Note the date on the article below, if Charles Blow were interested in a NEW democratic party, he would NEVER have ignored the corruption of the DNC.
Dems have fought against discussing or challenging the DNC for the past year and each time is never the right time. They continue to ignore their own crimes and corruption, all hiding behind Russia mania…yet now angry that Donna has chosen to speak her peace. Democrats have had a year to be honest to their constituents and if not them, to themselves and work on correcting the damages done over the past 8ys. Their loyalty only lies to their corporate donors and NYT where Blow works is one of their major benefactors. Instead of change, reflection and correction, democrats have continued to lie and use Trump and Russia as an excuse to deflect from making any changes or corrections at all. Instead, anyone who questions or exposes their corruption & challenges Mother & the Dem Establishment are quickly labeled Putin operative’s.
Charles Blow like all of the liberals who support the current oligarchy of lies, have no problem yelling, “It’s Her Time”, no matter what the polls said…yet these same people refuse to accept ANY time to discuss and challenge the corruption of the democratic party. What’s Old is New, whether it’s the democrats 21st Century tactics of Mccarthyism or whether it’s their supposed, The New Democratic Party…there’s nothing to see here but the same old establishment con games, peeing on all the little people and telling them it’s raining.
I believe most of what Donna Brazile has alleged and as the saying goes, “where there’s smoke, there’s fire”. The Democrats, surrounded by the Clinton’s have had too much smoke over the past decades, to continue to claim there’s no fire. Charles Blow’s assertion of a NEW Democratic Party would be laughable if it weren’t so sad…he’s like the Democrats crying Resistance, (when they are the people who we all need to resist)…Blow doesn’t see that he is part of the OLD establishment still writing and upholding their corruption for the 1% who owns him. I’m glad for now that at least Donna is refusing to continue to be Patsey the slave for the DNC, even if Blow is still content to be Stephen.
It’s time to really burn down the house. #DemExit
From Russia With Love,