The Red Hen, Liberals nor Hollywood Will Deny The Bush’s Though…

4 min readJun 25, 2018


It’s beyond nauseating to see the level of political hate and ignorance that’s being spewed by people claiming to be better than the so-called ‘deplorables’. Yet their fever pitch of inciting violence over the last week has been very clear that even liberals are no better or different than the people they want us all to hate. Mascot Maxine Waters has become a caricature of the woman she once was, allowing herself to be used by Democrats like a circus clown, called out when needed to rally the crowd. It’s really embarrassing that so many so-called Black leaders have allowed themselves to be used this way by the Democratic Party and/or their now corporate owned sponsors. Yet this is what happens when we allow ourselves to be controlled by those we elect to represent us.

Liberals love their faux support of all things civil and just, that lie has become insulting when Black communities they covet for votes are wastelands of poverty and neglect. Sarah Sanders has a job that she was hired to do whether we like it or not, and her being employed by Trump’s White House does not warrant the vicious and ugly attacks that she has had to endure (insert feminist joke). No one wants to admit it but the level of outrage coming from the left is unprecedented and would never have been allowed to occur against Obama and his family. Peter Fonda attacking Baron Trump was a bridge too far, and at no time did anyone in Hollywood or any official say or do anything this egregious, and Peter like Roseanne should have been fired from whatever menial role he is now involved in. The democrats are loosing the moral high ground (as if they ever had one) and none of these outburst are helping anyone but Trump.

Liberals want a world where only their views are heard and anyone else’s are quickly silenced and shutdown. They have crafted their own hate-filled narrative, along with their Hollywood co-conspirators and liberal media; who work to hide their own racism, complicity and corruption. I will not be controlled by liberal groupthink or corporate media manipulation. The type of mind control that’s being pushed by liberals is dangerous. None of this outrage was leveled during the Obama administration, while his same policies were purposely silenced by liberal media.

What’s insulting in all of this is that these same liberals have all praised and accepted George Bush and his war crimes, financial crisis and more. They worship the war crimes of Madeline Albright and Henry Kissinger knowing the millions of innocent families they’ve slaughtered. However, I’ve yet to see anyone denying them access to a restaurant or going to their homes to protest. It’s been interesting watching the white-washing of George Bush’s history and how most of it has been done with and/or by liberals.

Obama who bombed 7 Muslim countries, filled his administration with Wall Street Hedge Fund Managers, allowed Wall Street to pick his first cabinet, argued to detain people indefinitely and to assassinate Americans without due process, went to war with Libya, even after Congress voted against it, had a sitting African president assassinated, behind the Honduras coup that created the mass exodus we now see at the border, ignored the police violence against Black people (but signed into law bills to protect police) even with an entire Black top brass, gave millions to holocaust survivors but refused even discussing reparations for Black people, and also gave a Distinguished Public Service award to war criminal Henry Kissinger, denied BLACK Haitians entry at the Mexican border, and last but not least, CAGED CHILDREN AND SEPARATED FAMILIES. I’m sure most of this many of you wouldn’t know because, CNN, MSNBC nor many of their paid talking heads ever told you so.

Michelle Obama showed me who she really was during the 2016 election when she stood on a stage and endorsed Hillary with a straight face. I will never forgive her for gleefully hugging George Bush after all that administration did to Black and Brown people the world over.

This type of tribal cheerleading being done supporting this hate, only helps and enables the ‘deplorable’ politicians on both sides and keeps them in office; it does nothing to further any real or needed change for any of us.

So if restaurants denying politicians access is going to be the norm, then many restaurants in D.C. and surrounding areas would go bankrupt and probably should.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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