The Same People Angry with Ellen Degeneres for Sitting with George Bush, Celebrated Michelle Obama???

4 min readOct 8, 2019


Michelle Obama hugging George Bush at AA Museum in DC

The complete hypocrisy and insult of liberals who are angry with Ellen Degeneres for sitting and laughing with George Bush, had no problem the many times that Michelle Obama was seen kissing, hugging, laughing and sharing candy with him. Black women are always the test dummies for liberals white supremacy; we are used to elevate their globalist and elitist agendas and are too naive and desperate to be like them to see the scam. As Black women we brag of our lockstep voting for Democrat Party, a party that has systematically passed laws that have destroyed our communities and families. As Black women we are used to elevate white women and their globalists agendas, all while being left out after they’ve achieved their goals. As Black women we sit silent as the Democrat Party sites laws and push bills for every group of people other than Black men. White men are lauded as the “working class”, while Black men are denounced as toxic and deadbeat dads. However, when it comes time for their votes, it is demanded that they fall in line.

Image Courtesy of People Magazine

It was sobering watching the online outrage and articles written condemning Ellen Degeneres for sitting in Jerry Jones’ Dallas Cowboys suite. Apparently white liberals and the LGBTQ communities were offended when an image of Ellen and Bush in Jones’ suite flashed across their televisions during Sunday’s game.

The LGBTQ community was outraged, siting Bush’s views against gay marriage, and white women were mob ready because he personally supported Kavanaugh. However, black people are suppose to ignore the crimes of white racists like George Bush (and Sr. Bush), Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, John McCain and others, all for the betterment of white liberals agendas. We are suppose to deny or dismiss the war on drugs, mass incarceration, school segregation, and the decades of racism that was levied on Black America by all of these men. Black women are forced to rally with white women on pay equity siting the differences between white men and black women…all while ignoring the fact that white women make more per hour than both black women and black men. Black women are always suppose to be the bearer of sympathy and forgiveness, while white women are allowed to stay vengeful and angry (even when they are the perpetrators).

The crimes of these men against black people has never been something that white liberals and the Democrat Party gave a damn about, yet the moment the crimes and issues affect them, it’s a national outcry. Ellen Degeneres sitting in a private suite next to George Bush is less egregious than the insult of Michelle Obama salivating over Bush and lamenting her love and friendship of him over the last several years. Why didn’t white liberals write think pieces and decry their issue with Michelle? The answer is that they need Michelle and Barack to continue to be the trojan horses that they are for Black people, and to denounce/expose them would be an immediate loss of their secret weapons against us.

Michelle’s kissing and hugging of George Bush was not just shameful it was a clear signal to who and what she has become. The night that she stood before millions at the DNC in 2016, and said that America was always great (while promoting Super Predator Hillary), was the nail in the coffin for me. Many of you will not receive this, and are the very reasons our communities are in utter despair.

“Don’t let anyone ever tell you that this country is not great,” Obama said on the first night of the Democratic National Convention. “That somehow we need to make it great again. Because this right now is the greatest country on Earth.”~Michelle Obama

The Obama’s have never been held accountable by the black community that they used and failed, because we were too busy lauding them to demand their accountability. The older generation had seen too much from decades of racism, Jim Crow and oppression to not be proud of the Obama’s, and the black talking heads and celebrities were paid for their devout absolution and control. Yes America is definitely great for the Obama’s and the rest of the elitist one percent.

P.S. Don’t worry all of you Michelle fans, she has a new book coming out in November, a part 2 on self help and discovery…she’s becoming the next Oprah right before our eyes!!!

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach🍑




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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