The Same People Attacking Others for NOT Voting, Loves Kaepernick Who Does NOT Vote….
The arrogance and hypocrisy coming from Democrats and especially celebrities who tried to vote shame Black people into voting for Democrats (because they said so, or you know our ancestors died for us to be tools for the democrat party), is laughable. These are the same people who championed Colin Kaepernick and his new corporatized and sold out Nike campaign. Then we have Jenifer Lewis whom I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting over the summer at a Black women’s book club event, where she refused to allow anyone to touch her when taking pictures (and made a big announcement about it) and didn’t sign any of her books, instead gave out stickers of her signature. Jenifer is a huge tool for Liberals and it’s really shameful that so many Black celebrities are paid to keep Black people oppressed, while they profit from our oppression. Jenifer made a big deal out of Kaepernick’s Nike Ad yet she and so many of Black Hollywood did everything they could to shame and attack any Black person who had not voted or was not going to vote.
Every Black Hollywood celebrity I know, both A-listers and D-listers, were shouting down any Black person who did not vote (to be clear, did not vote for Democrats) and demanding that they did or they would be shaming their ancestors, yet they ALL support Kaepernick.
So, in essence it’s okay for Colin Kaepernick not to vote but how dare you peons not vote for the candidates that we tell you too.
Clearly based on Keri Hilson’s tweet above, Colin Kaepernick stands for nothing (or kneels in his case lol).
What’s even more pathetic is that Terry McMillan who was ranting yesterday that she was no longer speaking to her neighbor again because he didn’t vote, has now deleted her account. Also notice the arrogance in how Terry describes her neighbor and what type of dog he has as if that is even relevant.
The last minute push to influence Black youth to vote for democrats was insulting as I mentioned in my previous blog, bringing in Rhianna (a non US citizen) to endorse Gillum, after she shuns the NFL halftime in support of Kaepernick…again, who does NOT vote…or the tacky clip of P. Diddy, Tiffany Haddish and DJ Cali, dancing and clowning like fools. I guess P. Diddy is back invited to yalls cookouts now, yet it was just a little over a year ago that he was denouncing Obama and stating factually what he did not do for Black people.
And no one can forget John Lewis’ constant use of being beaten in the head for Black people to have the right to vote, and how he shows up every two years belittling and preaching to Black youth on how they must vote (while not producing one policy to fight the systemic injustice that Black people live with daily).
However, that has not stopped him from showing his support for Kaepernick, nor will you ever hear him or any other Black politician or celebrity condemn him unless and until he falls out of favor with the machine.
“This young man, this football player, is acting according to the dictates of his conscience and we should support him,” Lewis said of Kaepernick. However, any average Black person who acts according to the dictates of their conscience and chooses not to vote for democrats or chooses not to vote at all are demonized and ostracized for doing so.
Liberals also thought paying Taylor Swift to do a PSA breaking her silence on politics and proclaiming her support for the Democrat was monumental and that she would surely flip that senate seat blue, and did I mention her candidate lost. What’s even more laughable are people who continue to watch CNN & MSNBC for accurate information, when both are pedaling lies for clicks and ratings.
In closing, I want all of these celebrities and Black folk who are supporting Colin Kaepernick to now denounce him and also ridicule and explain to him that his Black side of his family, fought and died for him to vote.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach