The Views, Sunny Hostin is Outraged for Being Called a N*gger and Alan Dershowitz is Mad for Being Treated Like One…
This is the tale of two elite Islands and how two very different elitists and former Attorney’s were given their n*gger wake up call. The comedy behind both of these incidents are outrageously funny and shows the pathetic bubble that both of these insufferable people dwell. Poor Sunny a former US Attorney, and now neoliberal shill on The View, was partying during the 4th of July on the swanky Island of Sag Harbor (an area of the Hamptons reserved for uppity negroes), when she claims that some young white teens called her and her husband and entourage the word n*gger. Poor Sunny she was so devastated that she and her Orthopedic Sports Surgeon husband and snooty friends, called the police and made a report. Sunny also claims that the young boys also broke her paddle-board while also yelling, “this is America, this is our holiday.”
How dare anyone mistake these uppity negroes for being n*ggers, why didn’t these white teens not recognize who they were. How could this happen, they’re a part of the elite echelon of the Black Bourgeoisie aka ‘Our Kind Of People,’ that Lawrence Otis Graham spoke so eloquently about in his book. How did these young teens not realize that ONLY the wealthiest of Black people are allowed on Sag Harbor. How could anyone not recognize her for being the elite insufferable, once respected Black and Puerto Rican woman seen every day on The View. This can not be tolerated, never fully being too far away from the police system she once worked, and Sunny not being satisfied with just a police report, she had to make sure that the world knew of how awful it was that several young white boys called them n*ggers. After all, she was not only a celebrity now, she was once a top bulldog US Attorney, who made sure to charge all of the bad guys. FYI: Sunny said the cops treated she and her family and friends with respect….lol
Now not to be outdone, several miles away on the also ritzy Island of Martha’s Vineyard, poor elitist, racists and Zionist, and also former attorney, Alan Dershowitz was being snubbed by his rich liberal socialite friends. Now poor Alan, he wasn’t called a n*gger, he was just treated like one. The longtime Martha’s Vineyard resident Alan Dershowitz says the island has always been a place where people check their politics at the door , where locals and the seasonal elite could meet on the porch of the local general store to share ideas. How dare poor Alan not be welcomed at the local general store. How dare these liberal elites not know that he was a Zionist (a member of the chosen..snark) and we know that all Zionists are allowed to do as they please…see Palestine land grabs for examples.
Now again, poor Alan didn’t have anyone calling him a n*gger as was the case with poor Sunny, but poor Alan was just devastated by his elite liberal rich friends on Martha’s Vineyard who were no longer inviting him to their posh socials because he has been defending Trump. Alan goes on to say that he was at a party the other night, and it was reported to him that a woman said, ‘If Alan Dershowitz were here, I would stab him in the heart,”. It was also alleged that one Democratic couple who is used to running into Mr. Dershowitz at dinner parties said they have already been asking themselves: What are we going to do when we see Alan this summer? How dare they ostracize a Zionist Jew, have they forgotten who he is. Did they not know that Chuck Schumer & Governor Cuomo, has made it against the law to ostracize a Zionist. Just imagine liberal and rich white women, not only treating Zionist Dershowitz like a n*gger but also acting like one too.
All jokes aside; I will give Sunny credit that she was against the use of N*gger when Obama said it…so at least she’s not a hypocrite.
However, Sunny’s story though very plausible, also sounds very embellished; I can’t believe that a group of Black people would just set still and allow anyone to approach them that way and then destroy their property, without so much as a pushback. If you’ve watched any segment of the View, I don’t trust anything that comes out of the mouths of anyone who works there. This sounds more like a network cashing in on fears of racism, rather than the actual truth of what occurred. We all know how far liberal media will go now when a story is about Trump or pedaling racial fears. The New York Times was laughed at for their repeated coverage of Dershowitz’s story and for putting it on its front page. As for Sunny, as a former US Attorney, I’m sure she’s been called a lot worst than n*gger.
P.S. There’s an old saying, it’s better to be called a n*gger, than treated like one…looks like Sunny may have gotten off better after all!!!
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach