Vernon Jones can’t endorse Trump but Stacey Abrams can take Millions from Bloomberg??
Georgia State Representative Vernon Jones, broke with the Democratic Party today and chose to endorse President Donald Trump but not without the predictable venom and name calling for doing so.
“It’s very simple to me. President Trump’s handling of the economy, his support for historically black colleges and his criminal justice initiatives drew me to endorse his campaign,” said Jones, who added that he had no immediate plans to switch parties.
“There are a lot of African Americans who clearly see and appreciate he’s doing something that’s never been done before,” Jones said. “When you look at the unemployment rates among black Americans before the pandemic, they were at historic lows. That’s just a fact.” — Courtesy of the AJC
Democratic Party of Georgia’s Chairwoman Nikeema Williams, blasted Jones in an online tweet saying what an embarrassment he was for standing with a racist president who has made an all out assault on Black America. No Nikeema the embarrassment has been witnessing black leaders like you turn your backs on the clear and present danger of the Democratic Party’s agendas that have destroyed black families for decades.
Yet Nikeema has never attacked Stacey Abrams for getting in bed with racist Michael Bloomberg, the man who’s racist stop and frisk policies destroyed generations of black families in New York City. Stacey not only took $5 million dollars from Bloomberg, she literally campaigned with him as well. However, that should be no surprise to anyone who actually followed Stacey’s rise as a State Senator, her entire time in office was spent in bed with republicans and undermining policies that affected African American communities. No one wants to accept those facts, they prefer the Hollywood and Democratic Party version of Stacey…the version that was hand scripted for her rise to fame, like one of her fantasy novels.
Nikeema can attack Trump for being a racist, yet she’s also silent on Joe Biden. Biden’s racist footprints echo across every African American community in this country, nothing can be more damning and devastating to the AA community than his racist Crime Bill. And for those of you who will read this and say but Obama chose him as his VP, my response is that Obama only chose Biden as his VP, because he needed the racist white vote that he knew Biden could bring to the table.
The Democratic Party has no problem with racists as long as they carry a “D” beside their names and/or they pay millions to their party as Bloomberg has illegally done for the DNC. The Blackface wearing Governor of Virginia is a prime example.
Hillary Clinton lamented on the death of former KKK Grand Dragon and US Senator Robert Byrd; that he was a “friend and mentor” — “a man of unsurpassing eloquence and nobility.” Imagine if Trump called a former KKK Grand Dragon, who lauded over the KKK in a time when they were literally lynching black men, a ‘mentor’.
It was really sad reading all of the mindless sheep who are standing in unison with Nikeema and the Democratic Party, especially Black people. Nikeema nor the Democratic Party is supporting either Black women who are running for the two open US Senate seats in Georgia, but Vernon Jones is the embarrassment! It’s very clear that Nikeema does as she’s told and nothing more.
Nikeema is controlled and operated by the Democratic Party machine, and the real embarrassment for her is that this happened under her watch and that her political hopes of higher office could somehow be negatively impacted because she let one get away.
The Democrats throw around the word racist to the point that it is no longer of value to anyone but them. The people who actually suffer at the ends of that word, have long since been replaced and forgotten. They love their racists as long as they are confined within the Democratic Party machine.
Someone made a valid point the other day when they stated that if Trump doesn’t hire black people he’s called a racist but when he does or when any black person supports him, they’re quickly called coon’s and uncle Tom’s…some of the many names I’ve read that are being hurled at Jones on social media today. And for me the real embarrassment is seeing black people attacking other black people who choose to vote their mind and conscience, rather than be mindless sheep who are herded to the polls each year to vote for a party that hasn’t passed any meaningful legislation for us since the Civil Rights Bill…and even that is no longer for us or about us.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach🍑
The Democrats , Democrats for Trump, House Republicans, House Democrats