Watching Democrats Defend the Corruption of the FBI, Proves Who They Really Are…#Strzok
The Democratic Party would defend the NRA if it meant somehow attacking Trump and/or protecting their corporate interests.
Watching some of today’s questioning of FBI Agent Peter Strzok and the lengths that democrats are going through to justify the clear bias and deep state corruption of the FBI, was laughable. Per usual, Congressman Cummings (the token head n*gga), provided the buffoonery and special affects. It’s too bad, Cummings nor anyone within the CBC or democrats have ever brought props or even pushed a bill or fought against the systemic issues that Black people have endured via police/FBI etc.,. Cummings stunt of Guilty plea images, was insulting when none of these indictments had anything to do with Mueller’s chief focus: the Russian government’s alleged meddling in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign’s suspected involvement.
The Democrats have shown repeatedly their love and support of the corruption of the FBI. It was shocking to see them raise over $500,000 for the defense fund for wealthy, former FBI Agent Andrew McCabe and subsequently offering him a job as well. Black people can barely get $13,000 for a burial when an unarmed Black child is murdered by a cop.
McCabe who’s wealth is estimated at $11 million dollars and his wife who earns over $1 million a year as a Pediatrician, was somehow a sympathetic cause for the 1% Wall Street loving Democrats. Not to be overlooked, McCabe’s wife was also given over $500,000 by Democratic Party via a group tied to Terry McAuliffe during her failed run for office in 2016. No worries. The democrats were working hard to ensure that McCabe continued to live a life of luxury (by golly, dems are going to make sure this rich corrupt white man gets his pension), while do nothing to fight for those who are really in need….but Trump #Resist.
So today they are all banded together to demand justice for another rogue FBI agent who’s own text messages clearly show the ‘Deep State’ control and corruption, of what is suppose to be our democracy. Whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, the level of corruption that has been exposed by an agency with this much power, should bring pause and fear to all who are not partisan blind, or in capable of critical thought.
After years of knowing the FBI’s extrajudicial corruption and planting of evidence, illegal wire taps and more of Black Civil Rights leaders like MLK, the Black Panthers and many others, the Democratic Party has refused to call for an end to the corruption of the FBI, but they have been in lock step to defend them. It should not go unnoticed that democrats have not called for the overhauling of the FBI, as they have called for both the overhauling and/or the end of ICE. It should also not go unnoticed that this same FBI that they are so forcefully defending, was not only secretly monitoring Black Lives Matter and its protesters but also labeled them, ‘black identity extremists’. This label however, I find to be more of a red herring to cover the fact that BLM is indeed Cointelpro, and has been since their unfounded rise and epic failure to the communities they used for their rise to prominence.
The Democratic Party also loves bogus symbolism and have worked over the past year to remove names of monuments and statues of racists and former slave owners, that really have no bearing on changing the every day lives of Black people in the 21st century. However, democrats have yet to call for the renaming of the J. Edgar Hoover building aka the FBI building. Yet, there was no greater threat and/or system that terrorized (and still does) the Black community, than the FBI, and J. Edgar Hoover’s racism and abhorrent tactics that have been recorded and exposed for decades. Even after a mostly ignored article was written about the renaming of the FBI office, democrats never forced or fought to do so.
It’s become pathetic that Black people, led by Black women…continue to believe in this two party system and think that democrats really give a damn about us other than our votes, when they’ve shown us repeatedly who they really are. I’m waiting on this next ball to drop, when Doug Jones casts his vote for SCOTUS. I’m beginning to believe, that Black women (Feminists) and their quest to be loved and equal to White women, are the other silent and dangerous threat to Black America.
UPDATE: I am completely floored that a Black Congresswoman from FLA by the name of Val Demmings, just said in defense of Strozk that as a former Chief of Police, that her police department NEVER allowed their bias to get in the way of doing their jobs. The same police that we see day after day, abusing and/or murdering Black people. I repeat, these Neoliberal & Corp owned Black women are a real danger to Black America. She should be ran out of office. I am disgusted and angry!
“I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.”
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach