When CNN’s Token Negroes Call Kanye, A Token Negro…#WalkAway
Just when I thought that Don Lemon and the rest of CNN’s ‘token negroes’ couldn’t stoop any lower, they prove to everyone what real ‘token negroes’ look like. The sheer hypocrisy and arrogance for Don Lemon, Tara “I’m a Black Conservative” Satmeyer and AIPAC’s Chief Token N*gga, Bakari Sellers, to call Kanye this slur because he dares escapes the Democrats Plantation, is stunning. The self awareness for these sellouts is at an all time high. Democrats have dug up celebrities, old and new, to push their views and propaganda on us all, yet one Black man/celebrity who dares to not literally bend over to liberals agendas, is somehow a token negro and have them all in mindless disarray.
The 24/7 mind control and conditioning being applied on a daily basis by democrats, liberal propaganda media and celebrities is insulting. The fear of Black people not coming out to vote for democrats is at an all time high. The very reasons they covertly pushed all of these Black candidates dressed in Progressivism during the primaries, was because they knew their only chance of winning any elections this fall was if they had Black people running out in herds the way they did for Obama…and we all know how that worked out for us.
None of these people give a shit about issues that affect Black people, they only want our votes and our support in order to push their agendas. It’s really shameful how Black celebrities have gone all out to do PSA’s for liberals, it’s inescapable, you can’t watch any TV shows without a political slant being added, you can’t watch an award show without it being all about anti-Trump, you can’t watch or read news without it being all about anti-Trump. Monica the former singer, was caught in LA yesterday by TMZ, and she had the mitigated gaul to say that Kanye was wrong because “We” as in Black celebrities and Black people, ALL need to be saying the same things. Or perhaps she meant that all of the Black celebrities needed to be saying the same things in order for that Soros check to clear…hmmmmm.
There’s a senior citizen that I go and help with her computer and cell phone when they need updates or when she has issues. She’s an old school Black woman who believes in everything blue, we constantly go back and forth about politics, I always pay careful attention not to go too far with her and respect her age and views…because I know the small lines on her face, the history behind her eyes, have seen way more than I ever want to envision. However, this past weekend she was somber, different not as ready to take me to task as usual. I asked her if she were feeling well, she assured me that her physical health was fine but it was her mental health that concerned her. I gently touched her hands and I asked what could I do, in her soft yet stern voice, she said, “can you make them stop.” I was still confused as to what she meant and wondered if she were having a mental breakdown, but she then looked at me and explained that it was the 24/7 negativity from the news, and constant political rants of end of the world group think that was worrying her. She said a party that she once believed in had taken a very dangerous turn into a form of mind control, and the advent of 24/7 news, has made it clear to her that they are engaging in a form of social conditioning/mind control that she had never witnessed in her lifetime and she was scared for the next generation. I agreed with her and said that I wanted it all to stop, all the talking heads, all the celebrities, and all the noise.
Kanye has a right to say and do whatever he chooses with his life, we all know that if he were doing PSA’s for democrats, he would be lauded as a genius instead of being mocked on National Mental Health Day for his mental issues.
Don Lemon the Token Gay Negro for CNN, who lashed out at actor Jonah Hill for not getting close and personal with him in a hotel bathroom. Don Lemon the same trash who after the announcement if Darren Wilson would be indicted, he said: “Obviously, there is the smell of marijuana in the air.”
Tara Setmeyer the Token Conservative Negro who agreed with Rudy Giulliani’s birtherism that Obama was not a Patriot, trashed Rev. Jeremiah Wright and mocked Obama fueling the anti-America racist GOP’s agenda in 2015, but that was then and this is now and being anti-Trump and GOP is lucrative profession. And let’s not talk about a Black woman with blonde hair that’s so bleached, it’s damn near white…and the added green contacts to highlight her brown eyes.
Barkari Sellers the AIPAC owned Token Negro for Democrats and the most dangerous of them all. Black Agenda Report wrote a scathing and very accurate article on who and what he is, “Mercenary for the Rich and Powerful, a Veteran Operative of the Israel Lobby.” Took sloppy seconds from Vince Carter and married his gold-digging wife, now he has to keep those checks coming to keep her from moving to the next clown.
So, you see how being nasty and mean to people works…You don’t have to agree with Kanye or what he believes in but that display of hate and vile racist rants by three supposedly educated negroes, was abhorrent and if CNN had an ounce of decency left they would demand that they all apologize for it. Their display of hateful rhetoric and bullying should anger all Black people, the democrats do not own the Black vote and we are also not controlled by the groupthink of Black celebs, media pundits are any other form of propaganda slavery that erases free thought and will.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach