When Palestinians throw Rocks, They’re Killed & America Cheers, but Migrants are Teargassed and Liberals Cry Foul…

3 min readNov 28, 2018


Palestinian Child Throwing Rocks at Israeli Military Tanks

The bogus attempt to feign outrage by the left regarding Migrants/Illegals at the US border being teargassed is another view into their complete hypocrisy and fraud. Not only did the Obama administration use teargas at the border on a monthly basis, he also had the military there as well.

What is even more laughable is that these same people fund and/or support Israel’s bombing and executions of Palestinians whose only crime is throwing rocks in an attempt to end the apartheid state that Israel has forced upon them. The US gives Israel and unprecedented amount of monies to fund their warcrimes against Palestinians, yet liberal Hollyweird and their Black tokens/sellouts like Pharrell Williams just raised $60M for their military.

The US does not owe these people at our borders sanctuary when we are already giving millions in aid to their country, and when we have millions of US citizens living in poverty with no sanctuary or support.

But if we’re being honest the unrest that we see in Central America was brought on by Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administrations policies and coups…no different than their destabilization/destruction of Syria and Libya and the migrant issue that Europe continues to deal with because of it.

Democrats, Hollyweird nor liberal media said a word when Obama worked with Mexico to deny Haitian’s entry into the US, after both political turmoil in their country and another natural disaster. In fact John McCain and Gabby Gifford begged Obama to not only send more troops to the border to keep these people out but Giffords asked that they be armed as well (yes, Gifford’s the anti-gun poster child).

Arizona Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords said the situation on the ground now is different from when Bush deployed the Guard. Arrests have fallen in the Arizona sector and there’ve been record drug seizures.

She said the border is more violent and law enforcement is outgunned. She and other lawmakers want the troops to be armed — they were not in the previous deployment.

The other insult that has been making the social media rounds and Liberal news, is how teargassing these people was so tragic and not American…but I remember Ferguson & Baltimore (under a “black” president). I also remember the stories of the 60’s and 70’s…teargassing is indeed American and white liberals will not make Trump the catalyst of all things evil and racist, in order to erase their part in America’s systemic racism.

Black Man Teargassed by Baltimore Police 2015

Democrats and their liberal media and celebrity henchmen, should focus on the cesspool of California and the third world poverty that exists there, instead of this current Trump derangement syndrome they continue to exhibit. HollyWEIRD celebrities like Pharrell and the rest of Black elites who have literally bent over for white liberals agendas, should be doing concerts for Black America and America’s homeless, and especially those living in California…instead of being used to further Israel’s warcrimes.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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