When Will a Victory for The Democratic Party, be a Victory for Black People…

3 min readDec 13, 2017


It was an amazing victory and one that all people of sound mind should applaud, Roy Moore being nominated to any office was a disgrace. I was very proud to see Black women and Black men who also voted, stand up against someone like Moore and the people who supported him. Black people who have been consistently disenfranchised, marginalized and oppressed in a state that has worked hard to suppress their votes, all came together and said enough.

There are no more excuses for the democratic party, they can’t blame the lack of voting on why black people continue to suffer while voting in mass for the democratic party. There are no more excuses why black children are suffering with impunity in democratic spaces. Democratically controlled states like California where 75% of black boys are reading below national standards, and democratically held places like Baltimore, Atlanta etc.

While black women are being lauded for saving the day, the statistics of black children living in poverty is disturbing. Per AlabamaPossible.org, Alabama has the fourth highest rate of child poverty in the country, and more than 300,000 Alabama children live in poverty. This is especially true among minorities, as African American children are twice as likely to live in poverty as white children, and Hispanic or Latino children are three times more likely to live in poverty as white children.

UN shocked by level of poverty in Alabama: ‘We haven’t seen this in the first world’

In the city of Selma, the Census Bureau counted 3,562 white residents and 15,908 black residents on average between 2009 and 2013. The poverty rate for the white population was 14.4 percent, compared to 48.4 for the black population.

In 2015, poverty had fallen for kids in white, Hispanic and Asian families in since 2010, but not for black children, according to Pew Research Center.

About 38% of black children are still living below the poverty line, according to Pew‘s study of Census data, and black kids are still about four times as likely as white or Asian kids to grow up poor.

What did Black women and Black Alabamians get in return for their votes? Will the economic enslavement of their communities be tackled? Will education, jobs and housing be Doug Jones’ agenda?

Patsey the Slave from

We can all applaud Black Women as once again being the saviors of the democratic party but we would be wrong to not acknowledge that had the democratic party not enslaved generations of black men via mass incarceration, with their notorious crime bill; we’d also have an equal number of black men voting as well. As a black mother; I can’t reconcile saving a party that has done everything in its power to destroy black children/men…whether it’s pipeline to prison, prison industrial complex, mass incarceration etc.

In a sad irony, democrats in VA, knew they needed former felons to make up the numbers in last years presidential election. The push to grant them the right to vote, was not out of morality but as usual a need to save the democratic party.

African Mother & Slave…used as Wet Nurse to White Baby “White Feminism”

Yes, Black women saved the day because that’s who we are, we are the Mothers of Civilization, the nurturers whose tits were used to feed generations of white babies, and no amount of Slavery, Jim or Jane Crow, will ever erase the genetics of those facts. However, it’s past time that Black women stopped giving away free milk to the democratic party, while our children and communities are dying of thirst and starvation!

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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