When will ALL of Harvey Weinstein’s Movies Be Removed from Networks?
A lot of fake praise, surprise and tears were being shed for Geoffrey Owens (The Cosby Show) when he was found to be working as a grocery clerk at a Trader Joe’s a few months ago. Yet no one wants to address why he came to be in that predicament. In his own words, Owens states that once the royalty checks from the Cosby Show stopped, because of all of the outcry to no longer air them; he was in financial trouble. Imagine that, Owens a man that had nothing to do with Cosby’s legal issues, had to suffer along with Cosby’s condemnation. Imagine the impact that residuals played on Owens’ life, when his small role was not part of the entire series, now imagine what the main characters have lost in this process. People who were not involved with Bill Cosby’s sexual allegations.
Yet not one Hollywood movie or documentary that was part of the Weinstein companies brand, has been taken off of the air. Why hasn’t the same outrage that was pushed to remove The Cosby Show from airing, also applied against Weinstein’s productions as well? Yet they knew the financial impact that removing all of Weinstein productions from airing would be for White people, so their solution was simply to erase his name from their production. It’s amazing that the response that AdWeek received from networks regarding canceling Weinstein shows/productions, was that they were not going to cancel a show because of one persons bad behavior.🤔#BoycottWeinsteinProductions
Note: The Cosby Show was removed from airing long before he was ‘fraudulently’ convicted on Andrea Constand’s shakedown.
The very women who have cried rape or assault from Harvey Weinstein, were oftentimes willing participants to do anything for fame and fortune. Overnight these women were made household names and million dollar box office mavens. Most of them knew Weinstein’s history, it was a known folklore throughout the industry and celebrity gossip. What’s even more glaring and insulting is that in the article below it states that Harvey Weinstein’s name was simply removed from the plethora of TV shows that his company produced, instead of removing them from airing all together, like what was done to Bill Cosby and The Cosby Show (A Different World). We all know why they won’t cancel Weinstein shows from airing, because these people would never hurt the incomes of rich white women.
So I ask, when will there be a push demanding that all of Weinstein’s productions be removed from airing on ALL platforms? If all of the Black cast of The Cosby Show had to suffer the monetary loss brought on by Cosby’s problems, then surely these same #MeToo, pink pussy hat wearing feminists, can suffer the same monetary loss…especially since we’re ‘intersectional’ sisters and all.👊🏽
Overnight Lady Gaga, after being chastised for not participating in the #SurvivingRKelly documentary, finally made a stance…she has decided to remove her song with R. Kelly from Spotify.
Gaga wants us all to believe that she had no idea about any of Kelly’s sexual proclivities while making the song with him, yet his court battles have been very public. There is no way that she did not know. Instead of simply removing her song from Spotify, why not give all of the royalties she’s made from that song to the known “Survivors” of R. Kelly. Or was that a bridge too far in Gaga’s political correctives…especially since all of those victims were Black women?
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach🍑