3 min readJul 7, 2018

Where Was the Statue of Liberty Climber When Obama Was Separating Children?

I wanted to give Patricia Okoumou a chance and wait to hear why she chose to climb the Statue of Liberty, but when she opened her mouth and proved how ignorant she was; I quickly realized why a group called, “Rise and Resist,” used her then quickly denied her.

Her praise of Michelle Obama’s quote during the DNC (as she tried to sell Super Predator Hillary after slamming her in 08), was laughable but her ignorance of former President Obama’s vicious role in separating children and especially his role in denying African and Haitian asylum seekers into America was insulting.

This fairytale love of Obama by Black people and being lulled into a coma for the 8 years that he was in office is really amazing.

If Patricia Okoumou was concerned about children being ripped from their mothers arms as her reason for her antics, she should have pitched a tent atop the Statue of Liberty during Obama’s two terms. His policies were so vicious towards immigrants and asylum seekers, that he was named Deporter and Chief…and surely when Obama gave child migrants to human traffickers, liberals and women like Patricia should have stormed the White House and demanded Obama’s head.

Yet none of this happened, and the liberals co-conspirators within mainstream media, made sure to keep it as quiet as possible, in order to further their corporate owners NWO agendas.

Lastly, what’s shameful is that so many people have praised her climb to be more of a reflection of “Black” women doing the work, yet like Black women voting in mass for democrats (and getting nothing for it, only securing life politicians seats or getting Republican voting doug jones in Ala) as they destroy our communities, enslave our men and sit quiet as they shoot and terrorize our children; this doesn’t show power, it shows pure ignorance (some sick form of Stockholm Syndrome) and the desire of black women to be accepted by liberal white women and nothing more. How else do you explain the fact that liberals are calling for an abolishment of ICE but not a word on the abolishment of the police state that black people have been subjected to in AmeriKKKa for centuries…all while Black women chime in with glee!!!

P.S. someone please tell Patricia that she’s either a fool or being paid, because even South Africans know what a tool for white supremacy and an enemy of Africa, Obama was.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach


Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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