Where Was Your Fight For Our Children, Congressman John Lewis?…

8 min readJun 27, 2018


John Lewis’ 5th Congressional District consists of the city of Atlanta, South DeKalb County (including Decatur), and portions of Henry and Clayton counties. The many workers who travel to Buckhead, Midtown and Downtown by day still primarily flee to the suburbs and other surrounding counties and cities at night. During the past presidential election, democrats and many African American’s, all rallied in defense of Lewis’ record, denying that his district and the POOR blacks who inhabit it, were suffering. It’s sad that we see this type of blind loyalty played out all across predominately Black cities where Black leaders and the Democratic Party, have left them to die. My heart wants to believe that it’s out of fear of the unknown that they continue to clutch to a party and Black leaders who care nothing for their plight. Atlanta is considered an economic powerhouse and “black mecca,” its wealth and promise doesn’t extend to many of its residents, particularly those of certain skin tone, who struggle to make ends meet, access to decent wage paying jobs, decent schools or healthcare.

These communities are ravaged with systemic crime, violence and police abuse/brutality. A scene that’s played out all too often, without the care and concern we’ve witnessed over the last several years, months and weeks that we now see for immigrant families, LGBTQ and any other issue that are not solely concentrated on African Americans. The sheer arrogance and utter disrespect it must take for so-called Black leaders to all in unison condemn the actions of ICE and the separations of immigrant families is unbelievable, all while Black people have been fighting for decades against the entire police state of AmeriKKKa, not to mention the hell we’ve all witnessed or endured during the Obama administration as it related to unprecedented police killings, which birthed the cry of, “Black Lives Matter.” Allow me to be clear, I am not anti-legal immigration; I am anti-fraud liberals and politicians who now use their political clout to posture and fight for anything anti-Trump, pro Hillary or establishment, while sitting silent on both the systemic racism and poverty of African Americans and the state sponsored police abuse we live with daily.

There is not a day or week that goes by that we are not mortified with a video by a police killing of an unarmed black man/woman, or a video of clear police abuse of police against an often-times, handcuffed and/or subdued black man? However, there is no liberal outrage or immediate bills passed to sanction or end these egregious acts like those we’ve witnessed over the last week by democratic politicians nor crocodile tears from Black leadership. There was a gofundme page set up to help with the burial of young Antwon Rose, who was murdered by a cop in Pittsburg over a week ago; that page barely raised $13,000…all while liberals quickly raised $500,000 for a rogue FBI agents legal bills. Who are our real friends, because it is not the white moderate as MLK once warned of us, and it’s also not these establishment Black politicians who are owned by the same system that oppresses us and that they claim to be against! The CBC PAC is known for taking PAC monies from private prison corporations. Again, ask yourselves who are our real friends and enemies.

When has Lewis or the CBC and their liberal colleagues held sit-ins are popup protests demanding changes that affect African Americans and/or our children? Yet there is never a political moment or identity driven issue that Lewis, CBC and Liberals won’t protest or fight for, except when it comes to the extrajudicial killings and oppression of black people. Where was the mass outrage and tears when Tamir Rice, a young black boy, was gunned down on a playground by police? There is never a week or month that goes by that a black mother and father are not seen crying and wailing from another unnecessary death of their child by the hands of police. Where was the outrage and tears when a cop gunned down an unarmed Antwon Rose, Jr. over a week ago? But again, not a tear from John Lewis and the so-called black leaders and white liberals they cape for.

#AntwonRose #RIP

There is never a time that Lewis opens his mouth that he doesn’t utter the name of MLK crying and lamenting the pain he sees of others and never a tear for poor black kids within his communities. I strongly want to believe that MLK is angrily turning over in his grave witnessing the complete fraud, sellout and bastardization of his legacy that Lewis represents.

I honestly thought that his lying and caping for Hillary against Bernie Sanders, was the depth of his fall but seeing him post a tweet on yesterday comparing the voluntary travels of a group of people either seeking asylum, legal immigration or illegally coming across America’s borders, to that of slavery is beyond the pale of any rational minded person, let alone a black man who’s claim to fame is being hit over the head during a civil rights march. And for the love of God, someone please tell Lewis and his White benefactors that placing children in detention facilities after parents have broken the law is an EVERY day occurrence in America when Black mothers and fathers are arrested, and this was in no way compared to Japanese Internment Camps. I have yet to see a protest about the plight of Black children over the decades of Mass Incarceration and what it has ultimately done to their lives and emotional psyche. Where is America’s atonement and reparations for Slavery and Mass Incarceration? Liberals love using our history to further their agendas but watch them all backpedal if any form of justice and/or reparations are demanded for African American’s.

What is also disturbing is that the Washington Post wrote an entire article framing SCOTUS’ Travel Band decision, with that of Dred Scott and Japanese Internment, clearly in unison with his Master’s, below is John Lewis’ insulting tweet. There is NOTHING inhumane about protecting the borders of the United States, yet ask AIPAC owned, John Lewis why he and the democratic establishment funds the apartheid wall in Israel.

I missed the outrage and slave comparisons when Obama was in office, as he bombed 7 muslim and/or African countries into oblivion, or when he caged and separated families of immigrants and asylum seekers, while handing over child migrants to human traffickers…where are those children?

Not a word or a tear from John Lewis, CBC or Democrats during Obama’s horrific legacy on Immigration

It’s past time that Lewis is removed from office, he has proven that he is no longer the young man who marched at Selma, he is now a tool for Wall Street and White liberals agendas and has long stopped caring for what happens to African American communities across the USA, not to mention his own.

A report in 2015 from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Changing the Odds: The Race for Results in Atlanta, highlights the city’s north-south divide and data showing that where children and families live, often synonymous with their racial or ethnic background, can determine their prospects for success in life.

The report explores how race and community of residence create persistent barriers, resulting in sharp differences in the educational and economic opportunities available to Atlantans of color, and to children and families on the city’s north and south sides. The reality for black residents is particularly troubling. Among the report’s findings:

  • Eighty percent of Atlanta’s African-American children live in communities with high concentrations of poverty, compared with 6 percent of their white peers and 29 percent of Asians. Forty-three percent of Latino kids live in these neighborhoods, which frequently lack access to critical resources such as high-performing schools and quality medical care. Only five of the city’s neighborhood planning units (NPUs) along or south of Interstate 20 have poverty rates below 20 percent, and four have poverty rates higher than 40 percent.

This is the Black Mecca that Black Leaders Like John Lewis and the Democratic Party has built for our families, the same can be said all across America in Black populated cities…

  • The unemployment rate for African Americans in Atlanta (22 percent) is nearly twice the city’s overall 13 percent, more than three times higher than the rate for their white counterparts (6 percent) and more than twice the rate for Latinos (9 percent). White residents earn more than three times as much as their black counterparts, twice as much as Latinos and about $30,000 more than Asians in the city.

“Atlanta appears to be thriving, but it’s clear that many of its residents of color, especially children and youth, are being left behind — to everyone’s detriment,” said Kweku Forstall, who leads the Foundation’s work in Atlanta, which primarily focuses on improving the lives of children and families in the communities of NPU-V. “We must work together — in the public, private and philanthropic sector — to help ensure all children and families have the chance to realize their potential and fully contribute to their city and the local economy.”~Annie E. Casey Foundation

Sadly, the statistics that are outlined in this study is true ALL across the USA in 100% democratic held districts and states. Black people in California, the supposed bastion of political glory for Democrats, is a wasteland of unsurmountable poverty, political racism, greed and debauchery. Mainstream media won’t show you the horrible pictures of poverty that ravage California’s streets, all surrounding by ungodly opulence and greed. Where was John Lewis and the Democratic Party when Obama was being sued by ACLU, for handing over child immigrants to sex traffickers, and separating families?

However, liberal mainstream media outlets refuse to cover these horrific facts or how Latino Gangs have terrorized poor Black communities for decades, driving them out of their communities and homes with both fear and attacks. Where was Maxine Waters, John Lewis and the CBC when this was happening?

Democrats will not talk about the pain that many African Americans feel in border states and how they are either driven out or further oppressed, via housing, jobs which includes the demand to speak Spanish over English for any job requirement. Democrats also will not talk about poverty, the disturbing wealth gap that their quest for globalization created via (NAFTA and unprecedented wealth shift for the 1%), Mass Incarceration, and unjust war profiteering; that has left wastelands of what once was thriving urban cities across America; while creating a permanent under class for the poor and further struggling and strained middle class societies.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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