Which One of Nancy Pelosi’s Billionaire friends will loan her their plane now? #GovtShutdown
Trump is definitely the GOAT of pettiness and get backs. Not allowing Nancy and Codel (Congressional Delegation) to use tax payer monies to fly internationally on an unnecessary trip was the ultimate smackdown. It’s actually laughable that Pelosi was demanding that Trump forgo the STOU address because of the government shutdown, but she had no concern whatsoever about using the U.S. Military to fly her and her group to Afghanistan, Brussels and Egypt.
Not only was Nancy and group blindsided with the above letter from Trump, but members were said to be sitting on the bus headed to military base when they got the news. Pelosi of course being 3rd in line to the presidency now, will always be shuttled around in a private car with secret service.
I had to go to Fox News to see the initial coverage because you all know that CNN nor MSNBC wanted to talk about Trump’s epic smackdown.
All jokes aside, it’s really shameful that our elected leaders can’t find mutual grounds to obtain what both parties want. Neither party is working for the people, and the antics we continue to see is all about egos and 2020 power struggles. Pelosi, Schumer and Trump are playing one up games with the lives of all America.
Many of Trump’s words regarding the wall have been racist, but the need for a wall is real. I can’t go to either of the US/Canada or Mexico borders and demand entrance or else. I also can’t go to US/Canada or Mexico borders and throw rocks without being killed or arrested, nor can I enter into those countries, have a baby and gain citizenship for that baby.
America has a major immigration problem that needs to be addressed and we also have a major homelessness problem of US citizens that should have been addressed long ago. Pelosi represents a state that has a massive homelessness and immigration problem, her attempts to downplay this or ignore it all together is criminal within itself.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach🍑