Whitefish Energy Contract vs. Clayton Homes Contract
The US Territorial Island of Puerto Rico was suffered another blow today when Gov Ricardo RossellĂł, under enormous pressure, canceled the questionable contract for a small virtually unknown utility company from Montana. The pressure and push by US Media & Democratic Establishment to investigate this company is unprecedented when you contrast that to Clayton Homes, the toxic trailers owned by Warren Buffett that poisoned the poor after Katrina and then allowed to do the same in Haiti.
If only the same corporate media and Dem Establishment had went after Warren Buffett the same way they did the smaller and unknown Whitefish Electric, victims of Katrina would never have been sickened and Haiti’s poor would never have been abused as well. It’s really sad that liberals and their corporate owned media, are dancing and celebrating this outcome when in fact had an establishment republican been in office this level of scrutiny would never have happened.
Where was mainstream media when Dick Cheney helped push a $35 billion dollar payday of contracts to Haliburton (during the Iraq War)? A company that he once ran as CEO and was still a major shareholder. If only Cheney & the Bush administration were held to the same level of outrage and accountability as the now President Trump and his notorious administration.
Liberal provocateur and propagandist, Scott Dworkin says he pledges that people will go to jail over Whitefish’s contract, yet no one has went to jail over Haliburton nor Clayton Homes’ contracts. Where are the calls to demand that Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway) be charged with his toxic trailers that were already under investigation for Katrina? How did Bill Clinton & The Clinton Global Initiative not know of this issue before awarding their friend, Warren Buffett that contract?
The above paragraph was taken from The Nation’s story entitled, The Shelter’s That Clinton Built. The democrats only scream when there’s a political win to carry them…Blacks in Haiti or New Orleans, have never been of concern to the Democratic Party. Haiti was too poor and an Island already controlled by US’s Government and the corporations that exploits them. Katrina’s poor were too Black and already owned by the Democratic Party.
I’m still trying to find the outrage of the Obama Administration giving a NO-BID $1Billion contract to Corrections Corporation of America in April of 2016, after pledging to end private prisons. Where was mainstream media and democrats calling out of this atrocity? It past time for the American electorate to see that the duopoly is one big party for the rich…and our only invitation is when we’re on the menu of political posturing and abuse.
Sadly, Puerto Rico will be all but forgotten after they are no longer needed as a political pawn against Trump…no different than those left to die in Flint Michigan, who are still today without clean water.
If your belief system is only based on what a political party pushes, then you have no belief…you are simply a tool of the Oligarchy. I am against corruption, no matter who’s the perpetrator~Charlie Peach
Charlie Peach