Why Are #AmJoy and Liberals Planning a Protest to Protect Mueller and the FBI?

2 min readDec 17, 2017


I’ve watched over the past year as Joy Reid turn into one of the most despicable tools of white supremacy in Black face I’ve ever seen. A Black woman I once admired, yet eagerly took the place of Melissa Harris Perry to push the agendas of corporate democrats and their wall street owners. Joy went from owing the IRS, to making millions overnight by blatantly lying and distorting facts to cover for the white supremacy of Hillary Clinton, Feminists, Neoliberals and their anti-black agendas.

After over a year of riling Black folk up with fears of Trump and racist Alt-Right, Joy wants Black folk to go march to protect the FBI. The FBI who was just accused last year of tracking Black Lives Matter, the same FBI who was behind the assassinations of King, Malcolm and many of the Black Panther Party leaders. The same FBI who placed Assata Shakur on FBI’s most wanted terrorist list.

Joy Reid & guest pushing for Protest if Mueller is fired #AmJoy

Joy Reid needs to be laughed out of the Black community, while you all love to mock Omarosa and denounce her as being a coon, it’s liberal white owned Black women like Joy who are actively being paid to manipulate and destroy us. Pushing a hashtag that says #ProtectMueller should be the nail that seals Joy’s coffin with Black people but I’m sure that her many followers who love seeing her rant and see her as some Black feminist pariah, who made it against all odds, will fall in line to defend her. I can see the comment section now of Black women rallying to defend Joy because of course she’s anti-Trump. However, I’m confused how being anti-Trump supersedes the history of the FBI and America’s Militarized Policing and Systemic Oppression/Murders of Black people.

African Americans are losing on every economic scale, GOP are about to usher in a tax code to benefit the rich (Joy included btw), police brutality and all forms of US police systems have actively fought to oppress or destroy us, yet Joy Reid and her white liberal feminists friends, wants us to go protest to defend Robert Mueller and the FBI.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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