Why Fake Outrage Over Saudi Arabia Now, When 911 Terrorists Were from Saudi?
It’s really laughable that Democrats and Liberal media puppeteers are feigning such outrage with Saudi Arabia over Jamal Khashoggi’s murder, when none of them did or said anything to them after 911. The same media who are now claiming such anger, are some of the same journalists and media outlets who helped push the Iraq War. It’s a known fact that 15 of the 19 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia, but instead of bombing the hell out of Saudi Arabia, George Bush waged an illegal war against Iraq.
Democrats have gone from Kavanaugh outrage, to kids in cages (of which Obama admin did also), to Stormy Daniels, to Impeach, to Russia, Russia, Russia, and the list goes on. It’s really shameful all the money that has been spent and all of the real policy changes that have been ignored, for the big Mueller report to now be in question.
This latest outrage against Saudi Arabia is especially laughable, when Democrats joined hands with Republicans to defend Saudi and bomb Iraq. Even when democrats (Obama admin & Pelosi/Schumer) had the ability to prosecute Bush and his team of war criminals, they passed on it. The Obama administration also ignored the atrocities being committed by Saudi Arabia, but had no problem selling them an unprecedented amount of weapons and military training.
Bernie Sanders is especially shameful, a man that I once believed in but who has morphed into a complete shill for the Democratic Party. Bernie has gone from Russia rigged our elections, while ignoring how the democrats rigged the primaries against him for Hillary, to a full blown mouthpiece for neoliberals agendas.
If Bernie, democrats and liberal media want to evaluate US relationships, they should start with apartheid Israel.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach